Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap
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Power relations in app-based food delivery in Norway
(2025-01-14)What happens when companies that use apps and algorithms to manage a pool of workers with non-standard work arrangements enter a well-organised labour market? In this thesis, I analyse Foodora Norway as a critical case, ... -
Working Class Power: The Decline and Reconfiguration of Trade Union Power Resources in the 21st Century
(2024-12-10)This thesis comprises four studies investigating the formation, uses, and interactions of trade union power resources. By applying a longitudinal approach, the studies analyse a variety of outcomes associated with four ... -
Muslimer, skolan och förorten: Muslimska gymnasieelevers orienteringar och strävan efter erkännande
(2024-11-26)The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a deeper understanding of how Muslim students in upper-secondary schools experience their education, and how their experiences influence educational strategies, such as choice ... -
Att översätta idéer om hållbarhet till praktik
(2024-08-12)This thesis is about sustainability work, which is a highly topical issue in social and political arenas. It is associated with many challenges and contradictions, partly because the vagueness of the concept opens up to a ... -
Tid för tillit? Om styrning, kontroll och inflytande i äldreomsorgen
(2024-04-25)Avhandlingens utgångspunkt är den övergripande styrningen av välfärdssektorn och den kritik mot New Public Management (NPM) som ökat intresset för en mer tillitsbaserad styrning i Sverige. Kontexten för avhandlingen är ... -
Temporal Dispossession: The Politics of Asylum and the Remaking of Racial Capitalism in and Beyond the Borders of the Swedish Welfare State
(2024-04-10)This thesis sets out from the post-2015 Swedish asylum legislation, which made Sweden’s asylum policy among the most restrictive in the EU. The most decisive changes were the shift from permanent to temporary residence ... -
Conditional Progress: Technical Rationality and Wicked Problems in Nuclear Waste Management
(2023-05-09)While various states and enterprises have produced nuclear power for decades, that is, demonstrated the functionality of the nuclear fuel cycle from uranium mining to power production, the waste that is simultaneously ... -
Un-learning to labour? Activating the unemployed in a former industrial community
(2023-02-20)In the aftermath of automation and globalisation of production, the Western welfare states have come to leave industrial society behind in favour of an increasingly competitive and service-oriented economy. Nevertheless, ... -
Menstrual dirt - An exploration of contemporary menstrual hygiene practices in Sweden
(2022-05-30)Menstrual Dirt is a sociological study of how some aspects of menstruation come into being as dirty phenomenon, both in material and symbolic terms. Through engaging with a variety of empirical material Persdotter explores ... -
Interpreting the Haitian Revolution: From the Rights of Man to Human Rights
(2022-05-19)In recent decades, a ‘Haitian Turn’ has emerged as both academic and public readerships in the anglophone sphere have been flooded by a wave of essays, articles, and monographs on the Haitian Revolution (1791–1804). At the ... -
Governing citizens in the age of financialization: A study of Swedish financial education
(2021-12-06)In contemporary Western capitalist societies, the state has increasingly withdrawn from its role as welfare provider, while financial institutions, actors, products, and narratives play an increasingly important part not ... -
Retaining the Aging Workforce: Studies of the interplay between individual and organizational capability in the context of prolonged working lives
(2021-11-23)Amidst the realities of workforce aging and policies to prolong the working life across Europe, policymakers and researchers have emphasized the employer’s role in providing suitable working conditions for older workers ... -
Temporary safety. Contextual factors behind job quality in using temporary agency work.
(2021-08-19)The aim of this thesis is to explore and explain how job quality in organizations using temporary agency work (TAW) is shaped by national regulatory regimes and how organizational practices and employee experiences in ... -
Att stanna kvar: arbete, plats och mobilitet i småstaden
(2021-03-04)The aim of this dissertation is to contribute to a deeper understanding of how young adults in an industrial small town in Sweden perceive and negotiate their work opportunities and their position in the local labour market. ... -
Alienation och Arbete. Unga behovsanställdas villkor i den flexibla kapitalismen
(2020-03-04)The aim of this dissertation is to investigate how flexible capitalism, drawing from the case of on-call employees, influences the ability to control life and work and affects relationships with other people, both inside ... -
Standardiseringsarbetets kollektiva praktik. En studie om att kvalitetssäkra integrationssatsningen Samhällsorientering för nyanlända.
(2020-02-27)Societal efforts to support the integration of newly arrived immigrants have been repeatedly highlighted in the political debate in Sweden and they are described as inadequate and ineffective. Demands have been made for ... -
Moral i rätten. Utredningar av hedersrelaterat våld i Sverige 1997-2017
(2020-01-07)This doctoral thesis investigates assumptions about honour that emerge in the Swedish justice system’s investigations of honour related violence and oppression during the period 1997 – 2017, and with what implications. The ... -
Inequity in Mind. On the Social and Genetic Risk Factors of Dementia and Their Interactions
(2019-09-20)The present thesis seeks to further explain the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias by studying the long-term impact of class- and gender-based inequities as well as the extent to which they potentially ... -
Mother Tongue Education - The Interest of a Nation. A policy study in Sweden 1957-2017.
(2019-01-16)This doctoral thesis is a policy study about mother tongue education policies as they have developed historically in Sweden.The overall aim of this thesis is to investigate the policies of mother tongue education from ...