Now showing items 41-47 of 47
Un-learning to labour? Activating the unemployed in a former industrial community
In the aftermath of automation and globalisation of production, the Western welfare states have come to leave industrial society behind in favour of an increasingly competitive and service-oriented economy. Nevertheless, ...
Temporal Dispossession: The Politics of Asylum and the Remaking of Racial Capitalism in and Beyond the Borders of the Swedish Welfare State
This thesis sets out from the post-2015 Swedish asylum legislation, which made Sweden’s asylum policy among the most restrictive in the EU. The most decisive changes were the shift from permanent to temporary residence ...
Tid för tillit? Om styrning, kontroll och inflytande i äldreomsorgen
Avhandlingens utgångspunkt är den övergripande styrningen av välfärdssektorn och den kritik mot New Public Management (NPM) som ökat intresset för en mer tillitsbaserad styrning i Sverige. Kontexten för avhandlingen är ...
Att översätta idéer om hållbarhet till praktik
This thesis is about sustainability work, which is a highly topical issue in social and political arenas. It is associated with many challenges and contradictions, partly because the vagueness of the concept opens up to a ...
Muslimer, skolan och förorten: Muslimska gymnasieelevers orienteringar och strävan efter erkännande
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a deeper understanding of how Muslim students in upper-secondary
schools experience their education, and how their experiences influence educational strategies, such as choice ...
Working Class Power: The Decline and Reconfiguration of Trade Union Power Resources in the 21st Century
This thesis comprises four studies investigating the formation, uses, and interactions of trade union power resources. By applying
a longitudinal approach, the studies analyse a variety of outcomes associated with four ...
Power relations in app-based food delivery in Norway
What happens when companies that use apps and algorithms to manage a pool of workers with non-standard work arrangements enter a well-organised labour market? In this thesis, I analyse Foodora Norway as a critical case, ...