Now showing items 11-20 of 47
De mest lämpade – en studie av doktoranders habituering på det vetenskapliga fältet
This thesis is about the university as a workplace. Essentially, it addresses postgraduate studies, doctoral students’ work conditions, and how these students are schooled to become researchers. The overarching purpose of ...
Governing citizens in the age of financialization: A study of Swedish financial education
In contemporary Western capitalist societies, the state has increasingly withdrawn from its role as welfare provider, while financial institutions, actors, products, and narratives play an increasingly important part not ...
Standardiseringsarbetets kollektiva praktik. En studie om att kvalitetssäkra integrationssatsningen Samhällsorientering för nyanlända.
Societal efforts to support the integration of newly arrived immigrants have been repeatedly highlighted in the political debate in Sweden and they are described as inadequate and ineffective. Demands have been made for ...
Educational choices of the future. A sociological inquiry into micro-politics in education
This thesis investigates how students’ practical considerations for future choices in education and occupations correspond to policy objectives of socially productive educational choices. This is conveyed through the primary ...
Studier i tidsmässig välfärd - med fokus på tidsstrategier och tidspolitik för småbarnsfamiljer
The experience of time pressure is widespread in Swedish society. The aim of this dissertation is to develop knowledge about the possibilities of increasing temporal welfare among families with small children. The dissertation ...
Från miljonprogram till högskoleprogram - plats, agentskap och villkorad valfrihet.
This is a dissertation about young people’s experiences of their journeys from a socially marginalized suburb to higher education. Many students from these areas do not continue to higher education, but some do. There is ...
Alienation och Arbete. Unga behovsanställdas villkor i den flexibla kapitalismen
The aim of this dissertation is to investigate how flexible capitalism, drawing from the case of on-call employees, influences the ability to control life and work and affects relationships with other people, both inside ...
Caring (in) Diaspora: Aging and Caring Experiences of Older Turkish Migrants in a Swedish Context
This thesis investigates Turkish migrants’ aging experiences and their understandings about care by concentrating on the accounts of a group of first-generation Turkish immigrants who settled in Sweden in the late 1960s ...
Same and Different? Perspectives on the Introduction of person-Centred Care as Standard Healthcare
This thesis examines a collection of cases and situations where efforts are being made to combine and unify the concerns of person-centred care, standardization and evidence-based medicine. Person-centred care is commonly ...
Contextualizing managerial work in local government organizations
This thesis is about managerial work in local government organizations. The purpose is to explain
important aspects of managerial work with the help of a contextual perspective. The focus is on
managers at the operational ...