Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Critical conditions for co-workership in healthcare organizations: A workplace health promotion perspective
The workplace is well-established as one of the priority settings for promoting health in a large population. To achieve a good work environment, cooperation between managers and employees is essential. However, there is ...
Creating proactive boundary awareness - Observations and feedback on lowerlevel health care managers’ time commitments and stress
Aim. The aim of this thesis was to deepen the knowledge concerning health care
managers’ everyday work experiences and their handling of stress and balance.
Background. Health care managers’ work is characterized by daily ...
Asthma and COPD Diagnoses and prescriptions in Swedish primary care
Aims: The overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate the quality of the
diagnoses and the prescribing of medication to patients with asthma and
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) in Swedish primary care.
The ...
Betydelsen av personlighet och uppfattning om läkemedel för följsamhet till astmamedicinering
En okontrollerad astma kan leda till komplikationer i lungor och luftvägar. Astma kan kontrolleras med läkemedelsbehandling men fullständig astmakontroll uppnås inte alltid. Den vanligaste orsaken till att astmakontrollen ...
FENO and polymorphisms in the NOS genes SNP- and haplotype-based association analyses
Koncentrationen av kväveoxid i utandningsluft (FENO) är en biomarkör för inflammation i luftvägarna. Variabiliteten mellan individer i FENO är betydande i den allmänna populationen och
faktorer som bidrar till variabiliteten ...