Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Pan-cancer study of transcriptional responses to oncogenic somatic mutations
Cancer cells typically carry acquired somatic mutations in key cancer driver genes, which can be identified on the basis of recurrence in cancer cohorts. Such mutations may cause aberrant protein activity and altered gene ...
Pathophysiological impact of targeting the ROS-p53 axis
The goal of this PhD thesis was to define the importance of the interplay between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and their activation of the tumor suppressor p53 in development and disease. We addressed this question using ...
Computational studies of mutational sequence signatures in cancer genomes
Cancer typically forms when mutational processes modify key cancer driver genes, resulting in positive selection and tumor growth. As such, mutational processes are at the core of the disease. Trinucleotide mutational ...
Effects of antioxidant supplementation on cancer progression
Popular wisdom holds that antioxidants protect against cancer because they neutralize reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other free radicals which can otherwise cause cancer by damaging DNA. This has been the rationale ...
Molecular characterization of neuroblastoma tumors - a basis for personalized medicine.
Neuroblastoma is a very heterogeneous tumor, with a clinical course ranging from spontaneous regression to aggressive tumor growth. A proper stratification of the patients into different risk groups is therefore important ...
Molecular and genetic studies in high-risk neuroblastoma
Neuroblastoma is the most common and deadly cancer in the first year of life. Children with high-risk neuroblastoma have a very poor prognosis, despite heavy multimodal treatment, with less than 50% of 5 years of overall ...
Redox reactions in cancer: impact and regulation
The reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction involves a change in the oxidation state of molecules where a molecule that donates an electron is oxidized and a molecule that accepts an electron is reduced. The NADPH oxidase of ...
Cell cycle regulation in cancer: A noncoding perspective
The cell cycle progression is tightly regulated to ensure error-free cell replication. The complexity of the transcriptional machinery aids to function in a spatiotemporal pattern across different phases and genomic loci. ...
Molecular and genetic studies of DLG2 in neuroblastoma and colorectal cancer
Neuroblastoma is one of the most common extra cranial solid tumors in children. It is one of the most common causes of death amongst the pediatric malignancies. There is however a large difference between the low risk ...
The Translocation t(7;12)(q36;p13) in Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia
The reciprocal translocation t(7;12)(q36;p13) gives rise to acute myeloid
leukemia (AML) in infants and very young children. A fusion transcript
MNX1::ETV6 is sometimes detected and an aberrant expression of MNX1 is ...