Department of Economics / Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik
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Slumpvandringar i slumpmässiga miljöer - En simuleringsbaserad undersökning av rekurrens och transiens
(2025-02-11)The term “random walk in random environment” can have several different meanings. In this study, random walks in three different types of environments will be examined: a non-random environment, used as a reference point, ... -
Hur Styrräntan Påverkar Inflationen Över Tid: En Paneldataanalys
(2024-12-03)Denna studie undersöker effekten av centralbankernas styrräntor på inflationen i 51 länder under perioden 2014 till 2022. Genom att använda en paneldataanalys utfördes flera fixed effects regressioner för att analysera de ... -
The impact of the S&P 500 and Nasdaq OMXS on the financial markets amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: Time Series Analysis.
(2024-10-30)This undergraduate thesis investigates the relationship between the S&P 500 American Stock Exchange Index and the Swedish Nasdaq OMXS indices during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study explores how an exogeneous shock, such ... -
Hur har utvecklingen av andelen pensionärer i befolkningen påverkat Tysklands arbetskrafts storlek från 2000 till 2022?
(2024-10-09)Germany has experienced low birth rates ever since the 1970s when they fell below the replacement levels of 2,1 children per woman. Since then, their birth rate has been around 1,5 children per woman, which has caused an ... -
Ekonomisk tillväxt och lycka
(2024-07-08)This thesis investigates the relationship between economic growth and self-reported happiness in 45 European countries during the periods of 2011 and 2014-2022. In addition to economic growth, the effects of factors such ... -
Age Demographics and Foreign Direct Investment Exploring the Impact of Emerging Workforces on Foreign Direct Investment Inflows
(2024-07-05)Aviation accounts for approximately 2.5% of global CO2 emissions. However, this seemingly low number is deceiving for several reasons. For one thing, it does not account for other warming effects of aviation, and further, ... -
A Comparative Study of Active and Passive funds; Measuring Risk and Returns Before and During Pandemic
(2024-07-05)Investing and saving have always been integral aspects of human behavior. Saving essentially represents deferred consumption, as individuals set aside money for future use. In recent years, saving and investing have become ... -
Styrräntans olika effekt på bostadsmarknaden - En komparativ studie om hur bostadspriserna påverkas olika av ränteförändringar i stora och små städer.
(2024-07-04)This quantitative study aims to investigate whether there is a difference in the effect of the policy rate on the price per square meter for condominiums between small and large cities in Sweden. The study encompasses a ... -
The Grit of the Swedish Krona - An Artificial Implementation of the Euro in Sweden
(2024-07-02)We estimate what would have happened to GDP per capita had Sweden joined the European Monetary Union in 1999, using the Synthetic Control Method. The donor pool for our analysis consists of eleven early adopters of the ... -
Ekonomiskt bistånd och brottslighet i Sverige
(2024-07-02)This study examines the connection between Sweden`s crime rate and financial aid, focusing on the effects of social spending on different types of criminal activity in the Swedish municipalities between 2000 and 2022. Using ... -
The EU Waste Framework Directive - examining performances in waste management and the reasons on why it differs across countries
(2024-07-02)This thesis aims to investigate the development of municipal waste management in the European Union through conducting a cross-country study over 27 countries between 2008-2020. The study uses the Waste Framework Directive, ... -
Determinants of Female Labor Force Participation - A study of the impact of education and fertility on female labor force participation in OECD countries
(2024-07-02)During the last decades, female participation in the workforce has been increasing in the majority of countries. However, men are still overrepresented in the labor force in the world. Women's participation in the labor ... -
From Debt to Delivery: Investigating the Relationship Between Debt Relief and Maternal Health in Sub-Saharan Africa.
(2024-07-02)Despite global improvements in maternal health, Sub-Saharan Africa remains a critical concern, accounting for over two-thirds of the world’s annual maternal deaths. Meanwhile, large external debt stocks, which have long ... -
Investigate pandemic effects on trust in healthcare
(2024-07-02)The COVID-19 pandemic showed to be a test for the public’s trust in healthcare systems. In Sweden where the access to healthcare is institutionalized, the pandemic presented an opportunity to analyze the variations in trust ... -
The Uncovered Interest Parity Puzzle
(2024-07-02)Uncovered interest parity (UIP) is one of the key assumptions in economic and finance when modelling exchange rates. However, previous empirical literature has offered little support for the theory, almost constantly ... -
The Short- and Long-Term Performance Effects of Implementing Executive Stock Option Compensation Programs
(2024-05-29)In this introductory chapter, the reader will gain a deeper insight into executive compensation, stock options, and the impact an executive’s risk-taking behaviour has on a firm’s performance. ‘1.1 Background’ provides ... -
The Short- and Long-Term Performance Effects of Implementing Executive Stock Option Compensation Programs
(2024-05-29)This study examined the effect of implementing executive stock option compensation schemes on firm performance, specifically focusing on the US IT Sector from 2000-2022. To accomplish this, a theoretical background was ... -
Att betala eller inte betala - En studie om patientavgiftens roll vid läkarbesök
(2024-04-15)Uppsatsen undersöker hur de socioekonomiska variablerna, patientavgifter, inkomstnivåer, arbetslöshet, samt andelen seniorer och högutbildade påverkar antalet besök hos allmänläkare på vårdcentraler i Sverige. Genom ... -
Att Säkra Sveriges Ekonomiska Välmående: En analys av LAS-åldern och dess inverkan på äldres pensionsbeslut
(2024-04-15)Denna studie syftar till att analysera och förstå de breda effekterna av pensionsreformer i Sverige, Studien undersöker specifikt hur dessa reformer påverkar arbetsbesluten och sysselsättningsmönstret hos äldre individer ... -
An Analysis of E-Waste Collection Across Countries
(2024-02-12)In line with technological development, electronic waste has become the world's fastest-growing waste category, increasing three times faster than the world's population. Although e-waste legislation covers about 66% of ...