Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Migration from outside of the European Union - Labor market outcomes in the Swedish municipalities
In the aftermath of recent years unusually large influx of immigrants to Sweden from outside of the European Union, the debate regarding the impact of immigration on the economy and the labor market has intensified. Some ...
Ungas deltagande i partipolitiken - En kvantitativ studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar ungdomars sannolikhet att vara medlem i ett politiskt parti
This thesis examines the political party membership in Swedish parties between 2003–2017. Previous research has observed a negative trend in the number of members of political parties. They have also found that there is a ...
SWEDISH PRIVATE EQUITY - A study on perfomrance of Private Equity owned companies in Sweden
This thesis aims to study the possible superior performance of Swedish companies owned by Private Equity firms. This is achieved through constructing a panel dataset consisting of portfolio companies of the ten largest ...
Sveriges biståndsallokering: En empirisk analys
The Nordic countries’ aid allocation is often viewed as a role model by foreign aid researchers.
There is however a lack of empirical studies examining Sweden’s foreign aid allocation after the beginning of the 21st ...
Capital Structure and Stock Returns - A study of the Swedish large cap companies
This study uses multiple regression models to examine how capital structure and stock returns affect each other. Using a panel data study that includes 50 Swedish companies over a period of five years, the results show ...
Svenskt pensionssystem i dynamisk utveckling - en longitudinell studie om den allmänna pensionens anpassning till dynamisk förändring
Sweden was one of the first countries in the world, year 1913, that established a pension system with intention to prevent poverty after a life in labour force participation. After a few pension reforms by integration to ...
Do Increased Capital Requirements Lead to Higher Interest Margins? -A Study in the Swedish Banking Sector
This paper examines the impacts of the capital ratios stipulated in Basel III on banks’ interest margins. The Basel III rules were established as a response to the financial crisis in 2007-2009 when it became obvious that ...
The effect of rising interest rates on Swedish condominium prices.
This study examines the effects of rising interest rates on condominium prices in Sweden using the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). There have been several studies across the globe that have examined the relationship ...
På Lafferkurvans Sluttning - En ekonometrisk studie av vilken den pekuniära effekten är av förändringar i svenska kommuners skattesatser
Using comprehensive data from 286 municipalities in Sweden, attention is focused on examining the connection between tax rates and public revenues. By means of a quadratic model adjusted to control for fixed effects, an ...
Villamarknaden under 2020
This paper seeks to explore how the persistent health shock that is covid-19 impacted people’s everyday life as it pertains to short-term consumption and priorities. This is conducted by studying how the housing market in ...