Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Laddat för elektrifiering
Sweden is facing the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector and uses the electrification of the vehicle fleet as the main strategy. Since greenhouse gas emissions are a result of market ...
How much can an increased solar power production actually benefit rural, energy-poor areas of Africa?
There has been a surge in solar power in the last decade which has opened up possibilities for rural, energy poor areas to become electrified. Access to electricity is fundamental for economic growth and human prosperity ...
Market regulations targeting emissions from the European Union's milk industry - An Environmental Economic Thesis
The objective of the thesis is to investigate how two different emission tax levels can change the greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union’s milk industry. The two different tax levels are an EU ETS price of 25.85 ...
Nyttan av att uppnå god miljöstatus i den svenska Östersjön
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the benefit of achieving Good Environmental Status in the Swedish Baltic Sea. This was made possible by evaluating the descriptors of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive through ...
Alla för alla, en för en: en kvantitativ analys av hur gemensam kontra individuell energimätning påverkar hushålls energiförbrukning.
The issue of climate change is becoming increasingly relevant and measures have been implemented all over the world to combat the resulting negative effects. A big emitter of greenhouse gases both in Sweden and internationally ...
Borde vi gå före? En kvantitativ studie på göteborgares betalningsvilja för olika klimatmål
This study aims to investigate the willingness to pay for two climate mitigation targets among the citizens of Gothenburg. The studied targets were the Swedish commitment within the Paris Agreement and the national target ...
Reforestation & Marine Permaculture: Does the Method Affect the Willingness To Pay for Carbon Offsetting? A Randomised Contingent Valuation Study
Failing to limit global mean surface temperature rise to 1.5°C risks leading to irreversible environmental degradation. One measure to mitigate global warming is carbon offsetting through increasing biotic carbon sequestration. ...
Is Investment Leakage for the Swedish FDI-flows Caused by the EU ETS? A study examining the connection between the EU Emission Trading System and Swedish foreign direct investment flows in the iron and steel sector
In the recent decades, the subject of a shift of emission from regions with stringent regulation to developing countries has arisen. At the same time, regulated countries such as Sweden has experienced less industrial ...
Utvärdering av supermiljöbilspremien - en regression discontinuity analys
För att nå de svenska klimatmålen måste transportsektorns koldioxidutsläpp minska. Tidigare studier visar att subventioner för personbilar med miljövänlig teknik kan ha en positiv effekt på efterfrågan av dessa bilar, men ...
The effect of trade openness on CO2 emissions
During the last decades, both trade and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have increased greatly. The plausible correlation between them is, therefore, an important question. The purpose of this thesis was to analyse the ...