Now showing items 1-10 of 551
En utvärdering av konkurrensverkets beslut gällande Coops förvärv av Netto Sverige
Denna studie utvärderar Konkurrensverkets (KKV) beslut gällande Coops uppköp av Netto år 2019. Livsmedelsmarknaden är koncentrerad, vilket innebär att det finns risk för förvärvet leder till en hämmande effekt för konkurrensen. ...
Market efficiency and herding: A cross-country analysis
In this thesis we examine whether or not herd behavior, the act of market participants to ignore their own beliefs and instead follow the market consensus, is present in four different stock markets. To be able to establish ...
Laddat för elektrifiering
Sweden is facing the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector and uses the electrification of the vehicle fleet as the main strategy. Since greenhouse gas emissions are a result of market ...
Estimating Okun's coefficient in the Swedish Economy
This study takes a look at Okun's law och tries to determine whether or not it is applicable to the Swedish
economy. Okun's law is a veri ed statistical relationship between economic growth and unemployment,
rst described ...
What about those zeroes - A Monte Carlo study of estimators for corner solution outcomes
Partially continuous and limited dependent variables are commonly observed in empirical research. This thesis focuses on evaluating Tobit-type models, which are designed for these situations, with specific regard to small ...
Bonus och ägarskap i svenska storbanker
In this master thesis we are trying to investigate whether the heads of the four major Swedish banks are receiving compensation because of their own performance. We have investigated a number of parameters in the reporting ...
The Predictive Relationship between Swedish House Prices and Consumer Price Inflation
Sweden has in the past three decades experienced low rates of inflation, rising house prices and a declining policy rate. This implicates that the households can increase debt due to expanding collateral, and thereby ...
Gender and Cost-Effectiveness in Public Work Programmes
Public work programmes (PWP) are a popular part of development strategies and poverty reduction schemes and Bolivia were receivers of international aid for two workfare programmes during 2004 and 2006. To analyse how well ...
Does place of residence impact labour market participation? - A quantitative study of foreign-born women in Sweden
This paper examines the relationship between the employment rate of foreign-born women and their place of residence. Segregation in Sweden has been increasing along with differences in income and employment between the ...
Structural Transformation in the Agricultural Sector - Diversity in exports of Moquegua, Peru
Economic development does not mean producing more of the same; instead, according to Rickardo Hausmann and his colleagues, it means to diversify and to produce more sophisticated goods. This thesis analyzes how this can ...