Now showing items 1-10 of 11
The Effect of ESG on a Global Fund Market - Integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in the investment strategy: A Global Market Research
This paper investigates the different performances of global funds when implementing an ESG-strategy during the period 2013 to 2018. Using the from Morningstar Direct, consisting of return, Morningstar Sustainability Rating, ...
Morningstars hållbarhetsbetyg - en finansiell prestationsanalys
Morningstar Sustainability Rating (MSR) är ett hållbarhetsbetyg som har funnits på finansmarknaden sedan mitten av 2016. Det är ett lättillgängligt mått som avspeglar information om bolags hållbarhetsmeriter, vilket gör ...
Corporate Sustainability and the Financial Implications for the European Basic Materials Industry
In this thesis we investigate the relationship between sustainable performance and firm performance within the basic materials industry. Specifically, and in line with prior studies, we demonstrate a significant, negative ...
Financial Performance of Firms with Low Respectively High ESG Scores - A study of the US Technology sector
This study investigates the relationship between financial performance and ESG score over a five-year time period, January 2013 to January 2018, in the US market. To examine this, two small cap portfolios is constructed, ...
ESG rating, a booster of stock performance during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden?
The purpose of this study is to analyze if ESG rating of sustainability have an influence on the stock return of Swedish firms during the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim is to contribute to the research field by conducting a ...
Greenwashing och finansiell prestation - symboliska kontra betydande gröna aktiviteter
Studien syftar till att utforska till vilken utsträckning företags betydande aktiviteter inom hållbarhetsfrågor, till skillnad från symboliska aktiviteter, påverkar företags finansiella prestation. Detta för att undersöka ...
A Comparison between the Performance of Ehtical and Conventional US Funds - Do different ethical characteristics matter?
This thesis investigates if there are differences in performance and investment styles between ethical and conventional US funds in the time period January 2004 – January 2014. We study both a pooled ethical portfolio and ...
Sustainable Investment: A Win-Win Situation? An Evaluation of Mutual Ethical Equity Funds on the Global Market Using a Five Factor Model
This study investigates the performance and investment styles of mutual ethical equity funds on the global market. To examine this, the Fama French Five Factor model is applied by adding the new variables to Fama French ...
ESG and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from the Nordic countries
This study investigates whether environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance has an effect on the cost of debt for firms incorporated in the Nordic countries. In order to answer this research question, data was ...
ESG Balancing the Books and the Planet: A Quantitative Analysis of Risk-Adjusted Returns in ESG and Traditional Funds
The demand for sustainable investment has increased in the last decade. “Environmental, Social and Governance” (ESG) are characteristics within sustainable investment and are commonly considered in private investing. The ...