Browsing Department of Economics / Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik by Title
Now showing items 188-207 of 552
FPI in Sweden - An economic approach to Swedish housing prices in 1996-2014
(2016-06-28)Swedish house prices have increased substantially in recent years and this paper investigates, using OLS, if the key drivers for housing prices are the same across the nation, or if there are any regional differences. The ... -
Från Laffer - till verklighet
(2023-07-06)Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka effekterna av förändringar i marginalskatter på skatteintäkterna och dra slutsatser om avskaffandet av värnskatten i Sverige. För att undersöka syftet genomfördes två regressionsanalyser. ... -
Free Movement; The Economic Effects of Net Migration within the European Union
(2015-07-03)In the European Union increased aversion towards immigration is clearly seen. At the same time one of the EU’s foundations is that of free movement, which is backed by economic theory of efficient resource allocation. ... -
From Debt to Delivery: Investigating the Relationship Between Debt Relief and Maternal Health in Sub-Saharan Africa.
(2024-07-02)Despite global improvements in maternal health, Sub-Saharan Africa remains a critical concern, accounting for over two-thirds of the world’s annual maternal deaths. Meanwhile, large external debt stocks, which have long ... -
From Protest to Progress: A study on the association between the Arab Spring and women's empowerment in Jordan
(2023-07-06)The Arab Spring was a set of political uprisings, taking place in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region starting in 2011. The motive of the initial protests stemmed from people’s desire for democratic rights, ... -
Fuel Poverty and Health
(2022-07-06)For the past decade, fuel poverty has become a major health concern in developed countries. In this paper, we contribute to the literature by conducting the first study that seeks to determine if there exists a causal ... -
Funds Management Fees - Do you get what you pay for?
(2014-06-17)In this thesis, we study the relationship of 194 mutual funds’ management fees with respect to the funds’ risk-adjusted return, the alpha, derived from the four-factor model as defined by Carhart in 1997. This relationship ... -
Fungerar viktbaserad avfallstaxa som styrmedel för att minska mängden hushållsavfall
(2015-06-03)För att minska avfallsmängderna och öka källsorteringen har flera länder samt kommuner i Sverige valt att övergå från volymbaserad avfallstaxa till viktbaserad avfallstaxa. Göteborgs stad har successivt infört vikttaxa ... -
Gasoline Demand in the Different Regions of Sweden
(2019-07-12)In this thesis, we study the price and income elasticities of gasoline demand in the different regions of Sweden. By collecting data for each region in the period between 2002-2017 we try to derive these elasticities. The ... -
Gender and Cost-Effectiveness in Public Work Programmes
(2013-05-28)Public work programmes (PWP) are a popular part of development strategies and poverty reduction schemes and Bolivia were receivers of international aid for two workfare programmes during 2004 and 2006. To analyse how well ... -
GENDER DIVERSITY IN SWEDISH BOARDROOMS - A study regarding gender diversity, firm performance and monitoring
(2016-01-27)This thesis studies the relationship between gender diversity, corporate governance and firm performance. We study Swedish publically listed firms on the Stockholm stock exchange. After controlling for firm and board ... -
Generalized Trust and Taxation -A cross-country study
(2017-07-03)This paper investigates whether generalized trust can help solve the large N social dilemma that financing public goods by taxes entails. Using data for generalized trust from the World Values Survey we examine if the level ... -
Ger Eurovision Song Contest en ökad turism?
(2018-06-28)Countries, regions and cities, often in great competition, seek to arrange large and expensive events. The economic efficacy of arranging these events is a question being debated in the political and academic world alike. ... -
Gini-koefficienten och stödet för högerradikala Partier - En kvantitativ studie i hur sannolikheten för att rösta på högerradikala partier påverkas av förändringar i Gini koefficienten
(2019-08-26)This essay is a study on how changes in income inequality affects individuals’ probability of voting for radical right-wing parties in European countries. To do this, we use the Gini-coefficient as the sole indicator of ... -
Global and Ethiopian Cereal Prices: Does the Law of One Price hold in the long run?
(2024-02-12)Like many other countries in the world, Ethiopia is currently facing significant challenges with high food prices. The high food prices affect cereals such as teff, sorghum, and maize which are staple foods in the Ethiopian ... -
Gold – a hedge, safe haven or a diversifier - A comparison between the Swedish and the American financial market
(2020-02-21)The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of gold as a financial asset and comparing the result between the American and the Swedish financial market. Using time series data for monthly and daily returns of ... -
Gör individer med yngre syskon av det motsatta könet mer könsstereotypiska studieval? – Studie om syskonkonstellationens könssammansättning och studieval
(2023-06-26)Previous studies have shown that the gender of siblings’ affect individuals’ choices. There are different studies that have shown that younger siblings adopt behaviors by observing older siblings. There are however few ... -
Greenwashing och finansiell prestation - symboliska kontra betydande gröna aktiviteter
(2021-07-07)Studien syftar till att utforska till vilken utsträckning företags betydande aktiviteter inom hållbarhetsfrågor, till skillnad från symboliska aktiviteter, påverkar företags finansiella prestation. Detta för att undersöka ... -
Handelskriget mellan EU och USA - hur påverkas Sveriges handelsflöde?
(2022-02-28)The purpose of this essay is to examine how the trade war between EU and the US has affected Sweden. We exploit monthly trade data and a method inspired by Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) to estimate how Sweden’s ... -
(2018-05-21)This paper examines and continues the findings of Piotroski (2000) when applied to U.S. data from 2004-2014. By sorting companies according to fundamental values, historical turnover rates and trading volume, three models ...