Browsing Department of Economics / Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik by Title
Now showing items 387-406 of 552
Sambandet mellan arbetslöshet och fertilitet i låginkomstländer - Med fokus på skillnaden mellan effekterna av manlig och kvinnlig arbetslöshet
(2017-07-03)The relationship between unemployment and fertility rate is a popular research area since fertility rate is an important factor for development. Few have chosen to look at developing countries, which is why this is our ... -
Sample size calculation for longitudinal data of abdominal aortic aneurysm
(2013-07-02)Sample size calculation is a crucial step in all experimental design. In clinical research and drug development activities, it is required in order to be able to demonstrate a presumed statistical effect of a drug or a ... -
"Sänkt Arbetsgivaravgift och Efterfrågan på Utbildning - Har en sänkt arbetsgivaravgift för ungdomar inneburit en lägre efterfrågan på högre utbildning? "
(2021-02-09)This paper uses official statistics gathered from Statistics Sweden in order to evaluate if the payroll tax cuts from 2007 and 2009 had an impact on the demand for higher education in Sweden. In 2007, the Swedish government ... -
Så värderar allmänheten två av Sveriges nationalparker - En betalningsviljestudie för Store Mosse och Söderåsens nationalpark
(2016-07-05)Nationalparker är de naturområden i Sverige med starkast skydd. Större delen av svenska folket tycker att nationalparker är viktiga att bevara men en studie på hur befolkningen värderar nationalparker i monetära termer ... -
(2013-04-08)Although it may seem natural to argue that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is positive for host economies and their economic growth, earlier research gives and ambiguous picture in this matter of interest. This paper uses ... -
Segmentation and Seasonlity within the Chinese Stock Market
(2014-03-21)The purposes of this thesis are to investigate the integration of the Chinese stock markets with the world market as well as test for seasonality within the market. We have used the A-share indices on the Shanghai and ... -
Should electric cars pay? Exempting electric cars from the Gothenburg congestion charges
(2020-07-01)lead to health problems and early deaths, congestion leads to an increase in traffic accidents as well as increased travel times for people living in these areas. To combat these effects, several cities have instituted ... -
Skatteväxling för en hållbar livsmedelskonsumtion och dess fördelningseffekter
(2023-07-03)Svenskarnas nuvarande diet ger upphov till stora klimatavtryck och i en tid där världen ställer om till en hållbar framtid hade en mer växtbaserad kost varit önskvärd. Denna uppsats presenterar en skatteväxlingsmodell vars ... -
Det skärpta amorteringskravet - En överdriven oro med stora konsekvenser?
(2019-09-25)After the global recession in 2008, were we saw housing prices take a dive, the housing market has been booming in Sweden during these last 7-8 years. The huge increase in housing prices, paired with historically low ... -
Skillnaderna mellan andelen elever i grundskolor som uppfyller kunskapskraven i Göteborgs kommun.
(2017-08-17)School results and how schools should be governed was one of the biggest topics in the last Swedish elections in 2014. PISA results have shown that Sweden has had a downfall in school results between the nineties and up ... -
Skuldkvotens regionala skillnader - En ekonometrisk panelstudie för Sveriges kommunala skillnader i hushållens skuldkvot under perioden 2010-2015.
(2017-09-20)Since the mid-1990’s, citizens of Sweden have nearly doubled their income-debt ratio and international institutions such as IMF and OECD consider the indebtedness to be of considerable risk for Sweden’s economy. In 2013, ... -
Socio-economic effects of an European Union membership - An empirical study of Hungary and Romania
(2015-07-02)This study examines the socio-economic impact of European Union membership in Hungary and Romania. EU dictates and shapes institutions in member countries, as well as mandates certain reforms. Therefore it is likely that ... -
Socio-Economic Impacts of CSR
(2012-06-01)Globalization and the emergence of global value-chains have changed the way business relates to society. CSR has emerged as a concept promoting equality throughout multi-national corporations different subsidiaries. ... -
Socioekonomiska och Demografiska Faktorers Påverkan på Adoptering av Miljösubventioner - En Studie om Adoptionen av Ladda-Hemma-Stödet i Sverige mellan 2018 och 2021
(2021-07-02)Several studies have shown that there has been a change in the climate on earth because of how people have been living. One of the activities that have had a large negative impact on the climate is the use of cars running ... -
Spain and the Economic Crisis - Statistical and Theoretical Analyses
(2012-12-13)Currently, the world and especially the euro area are facing a severe economic crisis. As my Bachelor thesis subject, I have chosen to examine Spain’s historical development as well as current economic situation from both ... -
Spatial Price Equilibrium in the World Natural Gas Market
(2023-02-09)Characteristic for the world natural gas market is that the markets in different continents are not completely integrated. In some cases, this leads to exceptionally large price differences. There are two reasons for this; ... -
Statliga eller Privata PPM-fonder? En komparativ studie om att aktivt välja fonder eller passivt vara kvar i statens förvalsalternativ.
(2020-06-30)This paper examines the two investment strategies available within the Swedish Premium Pension System with the aim of illuminating whether it is more beneficial to actively select funds or to remain with the default portfolio ... -
En stigande kostnad för samma vara - Svenska grundskolans utgifter 2002 – 2018
(2020-02-10)Utbildning är ett av de dominerande ämnena för varje riksdagsval i Sverige. Debatten fokuserar ofta på elevresultat, lärarbristen och behovet av mer resurser. Samtidigt ökar utgifterna mer än för de flesta varorna och ... -
Stimulanspaket och konsumtion i kristider - En studie av CARES Act och dess effekter på privat konsumtion i USA
(2021-07-06)The aim with the thesis is to analyze how stimulus packages can help private consumption in an economic crisis. The analysis is based on the stimulus package CARES Act and its impact on private consumption in USA during ... -
Stock market interdependencies - Evidence from the Eurozone´s southern periphery before and after the outbreak of the European debt crisis
(2013-09-18)Recent events in the Eurozone´s southern periphery have directed much interest to the region but only a limited number of studies have targeted the market interdependencies among these counties. This thesis examines the ...