Masteruppsatser (IDPP)
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DEN FLERSPRÅKIGA FÖRSKOLAN - Kvalitativ flermetodsstudie av språkande interaktioner i förskolans rutinsituationer
(2024-12-12)Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate how the curriculum's writings about the development of children's mother tongue are implemented in preschool practice. The investigation was carried out with two different ... -
KAN FLER LÄRA SIG MER? En studie om förändrad undervisning av andragradsfunktioner och andragradsekvationer i gymnasiekursen Ma2b
(2024-11-18)Aim: The aim of this master's thesis is to investigate whether changing the order of mathe matical content within the mathematical knowledge included in the course Ma2b could contribute towards improving students’ way ... -
Similarities and differences in how social science university students in Sweden - Discerning the concepts of biocentrism and non/anthropocentrism in ESD
(2024-10-04)Aim: This research study aims to explore the similarities and differences among social science university students in Sweden about the different ways of discerning the concepts of biocentrism and non/anthropocentrism ... -
Teachers´ perceptions of education for sustainable development in Swiss schools - A qualitative study on the perspectives on and handlings of demands, resources and motivation
(2024-10-04)Aim: When it comes to Education for Sustainable Development, different actors in education have certain responsibilities. Regarding teachers, not only internal prerequisites such as knowledge, motivation, or attitudes, ... -
BILD OCH MATEMATIK – TVÅ KREATIVA ÄMNEN. Om interdisciplinära samarbeten i gymnasieskolans estetiska program
(2024-09-27)This study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of interdisciplinary collaborations between Art and Mathematics within the Arts program at the upper secondary school level. Grounded in sociocultural theory, ... -
Cultivating sustainable development mindsets - A comparative analysis of collaborative experiential learning in business education
(2024-09-24)Aim: This study aims to investigate how business students at the bachelor and master's levels, specifically from Karlstad Business School and the School of Business, Economics, and Law at Gothenburg University, perceive ... -
KULTURELL (UT)BILDNING - En intervjustudie med kulturskollärare
(2024-09-20)Aim: During the last decade, the School of Modern Arts (SoMA) has gone through major changes. To adapt to societal changes and municipal wishes, it has opened its doors to more students, more subjects, and perhaps also ... -
Teachers´ emotions towards education for sustainable development influence on implementation in formal teaching in southern German states
(2024-06-19)Aim: The aim of this study was to gain insights into the emotions that teachers expect when they want to incorporate ESD into teaching and which of these emotions have an influence on the intention to implement ESD in the ... -
Three "Powerfuls" for the sustainability curriculum in higher education: Investigating empowering knowledge for sustainability students
(2024-06-19)Aim: The aim of this research is to define theoretical/conceptual and practical knowledge from different disciplines and sustainability as an academic field, that has the potential to empower students to influence the ... -
VART LEDER EN BRO AV POESI? ”Jo, jag går i förskoleklass och jag kan skriva dikter.”
(2024-05-17)In autumn of 2021, the anthology A Bridge of Poetry was given to all six-year-olds in Sweden. The anthology contains both older and contemporary poetry, as well as both children´s poetry and poetry written for experienced ... -
DIDAKTISKA PERSPEKTIV PÅ EN BILDUNG-ORIENTERAD BIOLOGIUNDERVISNING -en analys utifrån tysk bildningstradition med exempel från biologilärares praktik på folkhögskola
(2024-03-26)Aim: The aim of the study is to show how a Bildung-oriented biology teaching could be designed, along with providing classroom examples of such teaching. In this study, the term Bildung, is defined based on the German ... -
Hur påverkas elevers förståelse för multiplikation av areamodeller som representation? En designstudie i en grekisk grundskola med elever i Åk 2, där undervisningsprocessen fokuserar multiplikativt tänkande samt kommutativa lagen för multiplikation
(2024-03-04)This design study explores the use of the area model as a representation of multiplication, providing opportunities for second school grade pupils to develop an understanding of multiplication and build multiplicative ... -
”Har jag ingen relation så kan jag aldrig utföra ett bra jobb” - en kvalitativ intervjustudie om verksamma lärare och lärarstudenters erfarenheter kring relationer och dess betydelse
(2023-12-12)Aim: The purpose of this study is to by interviewing active primary school teachers about how they experience their work with relationship building, gain increased knowledge about pedagogical relationships and their ... -
Catching waves for sustainability? Investigating action oriented ESD for young surfers
(2023-10-12)Aim: As the surf lifestyle and industry are touching environmental, social and economic sustainability issues, this research aims to investigate action oriented ESD in an institution that is offering surfing activities, ... -
Idrott och hälsa - det osynliga lärandet och den mångfaldiga bedömningen. En fallstudie om elevers uppfattning om lärande och bedömning av praktisk rörelsekunskap inom ämnet idrott och hälsa i grundskolan
(2023-10-09)Aim: This study aims to enhance our understanding of how students perceive the assessment and value of practical movement knowledge in physical education and health as determined by a/their physical education ... -
Ethics over aesthetics - A content analysis on the inclusion of environmental ethics within the undergraduate architectural curriculum
(2023-10-05)This document analysis study primarily investigates the inclusion of environmental ethics with an undergraduate architectural curriculum in Sweden. The curriculum documents analyzed in this study contain specific literature ... -
EN STUDIE I MUNTLIG INTERAKTION - Spanska steg 5 och engelska 5 på lika villkor?
(2023-09-28)Aim: The aims in this essay are to provide a description of interactional competence in a pair speaking test in Spanish and English, level B1.2 in a Swedish context. The investigated interactions are made by 14 pairs ... -
SIMULATION AND SKILLS IMPROVEMENT An action research project to improve students’ learning of communication skills in upper-secondary health and social care education
(2023-09-27)Syfte: Uppsatsen undersöker vilka faktorer som möjliggör och/eller förhindrar elevlärande när lärare använder sig av simuleringar på vård- och omsorgsprogrammet. Forskning tyder på att simuleringar är en effektiv metod som ... -
Experiencing and learning about food and food waste: A phenomenological study of household individuals in Malaysia and Sweden from an ESD perspective
(2023-08-29)Aim: The aim of this study was to map how lived experiences affect the approach towards food and food waste. The study also aimed to map the primary learning sources regarding food and food waste in Malaysia and ... -
Indigenous knowledge in education in north-east India
(2023-08-29)Considering the need to preserve indigenous knowledge with relevance to the global ESD discourse, the purpose of this study is to explore and understand the value and status of indigenous knowledge (IK) in the context of ...