Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Transatlantic Perspectives on the U.S. 2004 Election. The Case of Norway
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2009-05)
The U.S. Presidential election of 2004 was an exciting reprise of the 2000 election and
was closely watched by numerous observers across the world. The election held significant
ramifications for world issues such as the ...
Slow television
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05)
Public-service broadcasters are compelled to seek innovative ways to fulfil their public-
service functions in an increasingly competitive environment. The Norwegian Broadcasting
Corporation (NRK) has been experimenting ...
Public Service Broadcasting as an Object for Cultural Policy in Norway and Sweden. A Policy Tool and an End in Itself
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2011-11)
The future of public service broadcasting (PSB), and its role for democracy and culture in an
age of globalization and digitalization, is a disputed issue among communication scholars,
journalists, the general public and ...
A Journalistic Cosmology A Sketch of Some Social and Mental Structures of the Norwegian Journalistic Field
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2012-12)
Can Norwegian journalism be meaningfully understood as constituting a social field in
Pierre Bourdieu ́s sense? And if so, how did this field emerge historically, and what is its
fundamental structure? Following a ...
Perceptions of Social Media
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-10-21)
While observers have focused on the political use of social media when exploring their
democratic potential, we know little about users’ perceptions of these media. These perceptions
could well be important to understanding ...
Tensions of Consumer Individualism. Norwegian Identity in the Context of Globalization
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2011-11)
Globalizing poses particular challenges to
likhet – Norwegian conceptualizations of alike
ness – and with it the Norwegian conceptualization of individualism, because globalizing advances a different conceptualization ...