Now showing items 1-10 of 11
Switching Managua on! Connecting informal settlements to the formal city through household solid waste collection
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2013-06)
This paper explores the organizing of household solid waste management collection and disposal practices in informal settlements. It is based on a case study of an NGO project supporting Manos Unidas (―Joined Hands‖), an ...
The travel of global ideas of waste management. The case of Managua and its informal settlements
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2014-04)
Informal settlements (“barrios”) in the global South cities are often
neglected by formal solid waste collection services. In the city of Managua, the
municipality and international and local NGOs recently implemented ...
Stop the evictions! The diffusion of networked social movements and the emergence of a new hybrid space: The case of the Spanish Mortgage Victims Group
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2014)
Over 350,000 families have been evicted from their homes since Spain's property market
crashed in 2008. The response of Spanish civil society has been the emergence of a networked
social movement, Plataforma de Afectados ...
Infrastructures, Lock-in, and Sustainable Urban Development – The Case of Waste Incineration in the Göteborg Metropolitan Areas
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2013-05)
This article explains how infrastructures with a sustainability record may evolve over time into a lock-in that slows the emergence of more sustainable urban infrastructures. A study of waste incineration in the Göteborg ...
Kommunen som upphandlare, entreprenör och arbetsgivare i arbetsmarknadsintegration av utrikesfödda
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2021-10)
Att inkludera utrikesfödda på arbetsmarknaden är en nyckelutmaning för integrationen och samhällsutvecklingen. Under senare år har flera reformer initierats i syfte att stärka genomförandet av integrationspolitiken där en ...
Unexpected translations in urban policy mobility. The case of the Acahualinca Development Programme in Managua, Nicaragua
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2014)
Implementation gaps between policy goals and outcomes are of increasing concern in
practice and research. We explore the translation chains through which urban policies
become mobile and are translated into practice. ...
Waste tours. Narratives, infrastructures and gazes in interplay
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2018)
Waste management makes life in cities possible. Paradoxically, well-functioning waste
infrastructures can contribute to obscure the link between production, consumption and nature. One way to render waste infrastructures, ...
Policy Brief 1: 2022 ”Inovações de Base para uma governança de resíduos sustentável e inclusiva”
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2022)
Local government as employer, procurer, and entrepreneur in labour market integration
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2022)
Policy Brief 1: 2022 ” Innovaciones de base para una gobernanza de residuos inclusiva y sostenible”
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2022)