Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Overuse injuries in Swedish elite athletics - Incidence, occurrence, athlete availability, and risk factors
The overall aim of this thesis was to explore three aspects of overuse injuries in elite Swedish athletics. The thesis is compiled of
four papers, of which the first one is a study protocol. Paper II (n=58) aimed to gain ...
Running-related injuries among recreational runners
Background. It is important for improving and maintaining general health to engage in regular physical activity. A major barrier to retain in regular physical activity is quitting because of an injury. In running, one of ...
Vad möjliggör och begränsar en hållbar elitfriidrott? Aktionsforskning i elitidrottspraktiker inom Göteborgs friidrottsförbund
In athletics, there are few strategies for detecting and managing ill health and poor well-being. New innovative collaborations are needed for coaches to meet the challenge of promoting health and creating well-being among ...
Sustainable inclusion without sustainability
In this PhD project, I put forward the importance of becoming more comfortable with the oscillating nature of wisdom in physical education, sport, and research. This is also what the word `without´ in the title `sustainable ...
Statistical advancements in analyzing accelerometer-measured physical activity intensity
Physical activity (PA) is widely recognized as an important factor in preventing and treating cardiometabolic diseases and reducing mortality. Yet, the health implications of specific PA intensities and the intricate role ...
Interdisciplinary research and youth sport injury: Developing methodological insights
Recognising sport injuries as complex phenomena has urged calls for alternative research approaches to better understand their causes. Instead of adhering to traditional research approaches only, scholars advocate for a ...