Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande
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Generationsmötets ambivalenser - Kritiska perspektiv på ålder, tid och rum
(2025-01-30)This thesis examines the production of intergenerational encounters and its function in social life. The aim of this study is to produce knowledge about how municipally arranged intergenerational interventions condition, ... -
Health Promotion in Swedish Schools: Navigating Institutional, Social and Professional landscapes
(2025-01-10)This thesis explores school health promotion (HP) as a set of policy discourses and professional practices embedded in the institutional context of the Swedish school. School settings provide a unique opportunity for HP ... -
Doing Knowledge @Scale: Sociomaterial Practices and Professional Learning of Software Developers on Stack Overflow
(2024-09-13)When millions of people gather online to produce and distribute knowledge, the vast digital platforms they use – Facebook, Reddit, X, or the focus of this study, Stack Overflow – become integral to how they learn and work. ... -
Learning to argue in primary school: A sociocultural study of group discussions with argumentative tasks
(2024-08-30)The learning and development of argumentation as a social practice is considered to be fundamental for living in democratic societies. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the growing literature on children’s ... -
Trygga och otrygga platser – en etnografisk studie om våld och utsatthet bland barn i fritidshem
(2024-05-08)Skolvåld förekommer i alla länder och påverkar många barn i deras vardag. Det finns idag en omfattande svensk och internationell forskning om våld i olika skolmiljöer, men få studier som undersöker våld bland barn i ... -
Teacher Professional Learning in Response to Contemporary Challenges in Early Childhood Education and Care
(2024-03-22)The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to generate new knowledge, through the empirical study, of how an Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) work team collectively learn about two contemporary challenges in ECEC, by ... -
Unicorns in moderation: gender and epistemology on stack overflow
(2024-02-23)Stack Exchange is a global knowledge sharing platform centred around programming, computer science, and a variety of other topics. It is a ubiquitous resource for coders and programmers. Knowledge sharing platforms, like ... -
Uppdrag: Historia och demokrati. Perspektiv på studieresor till Förintelsens minnesplatser
(2023-12-15)Förintelsen som absolut moralisk referenspunkt i det senmoderna samhället innebär att undervisning och lärande om Förintelsen tillmäts stor vikt inom utbildningssektorn. Sedan millenniumskiftet har studieresor till ... -
Interaktionsmönster, social anpassning och emotioner i förskolan. En mikrosociologisk studie av interaktion mellan förskollärare och barn i målorienterade aktiviteter
The overarching aim of this thesis is to contribute knowledge about the interactions between preschool teachers and children in ongoing goal-oriented documentation activities in preschool. More specifically, the thesis ... -
Children retelling stories. Responding, reshaping, and remembering in early childhood education and care
(2022-11-14)Oral storytelling is a prevalent cultural practice for sense-making. Through stories, people get to know themselves, others, and the world around them. Children are introduced to this practice at home and in early childhood ... -
Digitala sexuella trakasserier i skolan: Elevperspektiv på sexting, utsatthet och jämställdhet.
(2022-02-24)Att sexta, innebär att dela självproducerade foton eller videoklipp med naket eller halvnaket innehåll av sexuell karaktär. Delningen sker genom att en person själv skickar, tar emot eller vidarebefordra sexuella foton ... -
Värsta bästa skolan – Om unga i förorten och segregation i skolan
(2021-05-27)This thesis addresses education and schooling for youth in a disadvantaged neighbourhood in Gothenburg, Sweden. Over the last two decades or so we have seen an increasing difference in students’ performance and background ... -
Meningsskapande samtal. En studie om barns meningsskapande med fokus på processer och innehåll relaterat till förskolans praktik
(2021-03-04)This thesis aims to contribute to the knowledge of children’s meaning-making by focusing on processes and content in preschool practice. Meaning-making is understood as a situated process that emerges in the mutual interplay ... -
Att vara och inte vara - Elevpositioner(ingar) i spänningsfältet mellan svenska och svenska som andraspråk
(2021-02-05)The present thesis addresses the division and distinction between the two Swedish subjects Swedish and Swedish as a second language, which result in separation and the categorization of some students as Swedish as a second ... -
The professional preschool teacher under conditions of change – Competence and intentions in pedagogical practices.
(2020-02-07)This thesis explores the relationship between preschool teachers’ professional competence and their pedagogical practices. Specifically, preschool teachers’ considerations on two pedagogical practices are studied: (i) ... -
Designing for learning and knowing: Nurses in chronic care and patients' self-monitoring data
(2019-11-06)This thesis focuses on nurses’ work practice in chronic care and their learning and knowing in relation to their patients’ self-monitoring data. It is anticipated that self-monitoring data used as a support for healthcare ... -
Feedback and instructional guidance in healthcare simulation debriefings
(2019-10-25)The overall interest of the thesis concerns how students reflect upon and provide feedback on their own performance under the guidance of teachers. This interest is explored in the context of debriefing conversations that ... -
Assessing writers, assessing writing: A dialogical study of grade delivery in Swedish higher education
(2019-05-10)Assessment feedback has been discussed as an important resource for providing students with a sense of their current performance relative to institutional expectations and with the information needed to close apparent gaps. ... -
Interacting – coordinating text understanding in a student theatre production
(2019-03-07)The present dissertation explores student actors’ and their teachers’ coordination of text understanding in a theatre production – a two-semester process from page to stage in an upper secondary school in Sweden. With ... -
Läroböcker, demokrati och medborgarskap. Konstruktioner i läroböcker i samhällskunskap för gymnasiet
(2019-03-07)Swedish citizenship education is charged with a double mission: socialization and education of democratic citizens. This means that textbooks exist in a field of tension between conveying content as true knowledge and ...