Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Meningsskapande samtal. En studie om barns meningsskapande med fokus på processer och innehåll relaterat till förskolans praktik
This thesis aims to contribute to the knowledge of children’s meaning-making by focusing on processes and content in preschool practice. Meaning-making is understood as a situated process that emerges in the mutual interplay ...
Värsta bästa skolan – Om unga i förorten och segregation i skolan
This thesis addresses education and schooling for youth in a disadvantaged neighbourhood in Gothenburg, Sweden. Over the last two decades or so we have seen an increasing difference in students’ performance and background ...
Att vara och inte vara - Elevpositioner(ingar) i spänningsfältet mellan svenska och svenska som andraspråk
The present thesis addresses the division and distinction between the two Swedish subjects Swedish and Swedish as a second language, which result in separation and the categorization of some students as Swedish as a second ...
The professional preschool teacher under conditions of change – Competence and intentions in pedagogical practices.
This thesis explores the relationship between preschool teachers’ professional competence and their pedagogical practices. Specifically, preschool teachers’ considerations on two pedagogical practices are studied: (i) ...
Digitala sexuella trakasserier i skolan: Elevperspektiv på sexting, utsatthet och jämställdhet.
Att sexta, innebär att dela självproducerade foton eller videoklipp med naket eller halvnaket innehåll av sexuell karaktär. Delningen sker genom att en person själv skickar, tar emot eller vidarebefordra sexuella foton ...
Children retelling stories. Responding, reshaping, and remembering in early childhood education and care
Oral storytelling is a prevalent cultural practice for sense-making. Through stories, people get to know themselves, others, and the world around them. Children are introduced to this practice at home and in early childhood ...
Uppdrag: Historia och demokrati. Perspektiv på studieresor till Förintelsens minnesplatser
Förintelsen som absolut moralisk referenspunkt i det senmoderna samhället innebär att undervisning och lärande om Förintelsen tillmäts stor vikt inom utbildningssektorn. Sedan millenniumskiftet har studieresor till ...
Unicorns in moderation: gender and epistemology on stack overflow
Stack Exchange is a global knowledge sharing platform centred around programming, computer science, and a variety of other topics. It is a ubiquitous resource for coders and programmers. Knowledge sharing platforms, like ...
Teacher Professional Learning in Response to Contemporary Challenges in Early Childhood Education and Care
The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to generate new knowledge, through the empirical study, of how an Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) work team collectively learn about two contemporary challenges in ECEC, by ...
Trygga och otrygga platser – en etnografisk studie om våld och utsatthet bland barn i fritidshem
Skolvåld förekommer i alla länder och påverkar många barn i deras vardag. Det finns idag en omfattande svensk och internationell forskning om våld i olika skolmiljöer, men få studier som undersöker våld bland barn i ...