Now showing items 11-15 of 15
Unicorns in moderation: gender and epistemology on stack overflow
Stack Exchange is a global knowledge sharing platform centred around programming, computer science, and a variety of other topics. It is a ubiquitous resource for coders and programmers. Knowledge sharing platforms, like ...
Teacher Professional Learning in Response to Contemporary Challenges in Early Childhood Education and Care
The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to generate new knowledge, through the empirical study, of how an Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) work team collectively learn about two contemporary challenges in ECEC, by ...
Trygga och otrygga platser – en etnografisk studie om våld och utsatthet bland barn i fritidshem
Skolvåld förekommer i alla länder och påverkar många barn i deras vardag. Det finns idag en omfattande svensk och internationell forskning om våld i olika skolmiljöer, men få studier som undersöker våld bland barn i ...
Learning to argue in primary school: A sociocultural study of group discussions with argumentative tasks
The learning and development of argumentation as a social practice is considered
to be fundamental for living in democratic societies. The purpose of this thesis is
to contribute to the growing literature on children’s ...
Doing Knowledge @Scale: Sociomaterial Practices and Professional Learning of Software Developers on Stack Overflow
When millions of people gather online to produce and distribute knowledge, the vast digital platforms they use – Facebook, Reddit, X, or the focus of this study, Stack Overflow – become integral to how they learn and work. ...