Browsing Department of Education, Communication and Learning / Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande, IPKL (2010-) by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 98
Mathematics textbooks for teaching
(2011-06)An analysis of content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge concerning algebra in mathematics textbooks in Swedish upper secondary education How to solve quadratic equations is a common teaching topic in upper ... -
Samtal om barn och pedagogisk dokumentation som bedömningspraktik i förskolan - En diskursanalys
(2011-09-12)The preschool, nowadays an intergral part of the educational system, is to be found within a welfare state and a knowledge economy, within a society characterized by the idea of lifelong learning. As a conse-quence of this, ... -
Spaces for Solidarity and Individualism in Educational Contexts
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2012) -
Flerspråkiga barn i förskolan: Villkor för deltagande och lärande
(2012-08-17)The aim of this research was to study the learning conditions in preschool that support young multilingual children’s language and communicative development, and their participation in activities. A sociocultural theoretical ... -
Variation och invarians i Maria Montessoris sinnestränande materiel
(2012-10-20)The purpose of this study was to analyse the Montessori pedagogy with the objective to theoretically describe and explain the Montessori pedagogical method. The aim has been to find an answer to what still makes the ... -
Contextualizing inquiry. Negotiations of tasks, tools and actions in an upper secondary classroom.
(2012-11-27)The challenges for education in contemporary society are complex. The emergence of the post-industrial society – an information- or knowledge society, where the development of digital technologies are pivotal – have altered ... -
Kompetensplattformen i Fyrbodal - en granskning av etableringsfasen
(Grundtviginstitutet vid Göteborgs universitet, 2013) -
Teknologi och barns läroprocesser i förskola, fritidshem och skola : svensk sammanfattning och reflektion över den europeiska studien STEPS, ’Study of the impact of technology in primary schools’
(Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande, 2013) -
Language learning and technology. Student activities in web-based environments
(2013-04-03)The impact of the web as a communicative arena, based on the use of social software, has changed conditions for communication on all levels of society; privately, at work and in education. This has opened up for multicultural ... -
Yngre elevers lärande om naturen En studie av kommunikation om modeller i institutionella kontexter
(2013-04-15)Abstract The aim of the study is to draw attention to and examine how young students (approximately 5-13 years) are involved in communication about nature, what approaches to nature are mediated in the social practices ... -
Knowledge at play. Studies of games as members’ matters
(2013-05-08)On a general level, this thesis seeks some answers to the broad question of what one can learn from digital games. With an analytical approach informed by ethnomethodology, the main thrust of the work is an exploration ... -
Engagerade i världens bästa? Lärande för hållbarhet i förskolan
(2013-05-10)In this thesis the aim is to acquire knowledge about and to scrutinise the ambiguity, complexity and contradictions within education for sustainability in the Swedish preschool, as well as analysing children’s agency and ... -
Att skapa läroplan för de yngsta barnen i förskolan. Barns perspektiv och nuets didaktik
(2013-10-25)This thesis takes as one point of departure the concept of the expanded curriculum where curricula encompass both the formal steering documents, as well as that which goes on within the framework of preschool education and ... -
Skylta med kunskap. En studie av hur barn urskiljer grafiska symboler i hem och förskola.
(2013-11-07)The topic of this study is to generate knowledge about children’s understanding of graphical symbols. These forms of knowledge are prevalent in contemporary societies, for example, in the form of letters, numbers, road ... -
Slutrapportering från Handelshögskolan avseende projekt "Tillhandahållande av bildningsföreläsningar via nätet"
(Grundtviginstitutet vid Göteborgs universitet, 2014) -
Förskollärares beskrivningar av barngruppsstorlekar i förskolan
(2014)Preschool teachers’ descriptions of group size in preschool Language: Swedish Keywords: Preschool, group size, preschool teachers, working conditions, learning conditions. The aim of the study is to gain knowledge ... -
Children's story making with digital technologies: Tool-mediated activities in a preschool class
(2014)Narrating has a long tradition within early childhood education and serves, among many things, as a means of engaging children in literacy activities. With the advent of digital technologies, different contexts are created ... -
Kunskaper som byggde folkhemmet : En fallstudie av förutsättningar för lärande vid teknikskiften inom processindustrin
(2014-03-19)Bostaden har en central roll i människors liv och bostadsbyggande är en viktig samhällsangelägenhet. Under de senaste hundra åren har kunskaper, tekniker och arbetsorganisation i byggindustrin utvecklats. Nya byggmaterial ... -
Project work, independence and critical thinking
(2014-05-22)This thesis studies how students do projects in a Swedish upper secondary school. The students have to produce products and at the same time prove them self as independent in relation to the teachers, and negotiate the ... -
Barns aktiviteter med datorplattor i förskolan
(2014-09-05)Children’s activities with tablet computers in Swedish preschool settings This thesis contributes, on the basis of original empirical research, to an on going discussion about the use of tablet computers in Swedish ...