Browsing Department of Education, Communication and Learning / Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande, IPKL (2010-) by Title
Now showing items 22-41 of 98
Feedback and instructional guidance in healthcare simulation debriefings
(2019-10-25)The overall interest of the thesis concerns how students reflect upon and provide feedback on their own performance under the guidance of teachers. This interest is explored in the context of debriefing conversations that ... -
Flerspråkiga barn i förskolan: Villkor för deltagande och lärande
(2012-08-17)The aim of this research was to study the learning conditions in preschool that support young multilingual children’s language and communicative development, and their participation in activities. A sociocultural theoretical ... -
Formulating knowledge: Engaging with issues of sustainable development through academic writing in engineering education
(2014-10-09)Given that knowledge in society is increasingly shaped by textuality and dependent on texts, higher education holds a special responsibility for introducing and guiding students into text practices contingent on disciplinary ... -
Fostran i förskolan
(2015-05-21)Upbringing in preschool. Keywords: Upbringing, relational, uniqueness, order, existence, lifeworld, Preschool. The purpose of the current study is to generate knowledge about the preschool teacher’s incitements to action ... -
Förskollärares beskrivningar av barngruppsstorlekar i förskolan
(2014)Preschool teachers’ descriptions of group size in preschool Language: Swedish Keywords: Preschool, group size, preschool teachers, working conditions, learning conditions. The aim of the study is to gain knowledge ... -
Förskollärares konstruktion av ett fysikaliskt fenomen som objekt för lärande i förskola – en komplex och föränderlig process
(2019)Det naturvetenskapliga innehållet blev tydligare identifierat och framskrivet genom den reviderade läroplanen(Utbildningsdepartementet, 2010). Samtidigt beskrivs en osäkerhet hos verksamma i förskola kring vad och hur det ... -
Fritidshem eller servicehem? En etnografisk studie av fritidshem i tre socioekonomiskt skilda områden
(2017-09-18)In recent decades there has been decreased resources and larger groups of children in the leisure-time centres. Statistics show major differences between leisure-time centres in terms of staff education, group size, staffing ... -
Handling socio-scientific controversy:Students' reasoning through digital inquiry
(2019-02-14)The ambition of this dissertation is to develop knowledge of students’ reasoning and digital inquiry about socio-scientific controversies (SSCs) in science education contexts. Motivating this research is the vast access ... -
Health Promotion in Swedish Schools: Navigating Institutional, Social and Professional landscapes
(2025-01-10)This thesis explores school health promotion (HP) as a set of policy discourses and professional practices embedded in the institutional context of the Swedish school. School settings provide a unique opportunity for HP ... -
Helpdesking: Knowing and learning in IT support practices
(2015-04-01)The background of this doctoral thesis is an interest in work achievement over extended time periods in specialized and technology-infused workplaces. Globalization, digitalization and increased focus on customer services ... -
Hoppet om en framtidsplats. Asylsökande barn i den svenska skolan
(2017-09-01)The thesis explores how accompanied refugee and asylum-seeking children experience everyday life in Sweden. During the asylum process, as part of a policy for promoting ‘normal life’, these children have the same right ... -
I den betraktades ögon. Ungdomar om bedömning i skolan
(2016-03-23)The present study examines how young students in the last year of comprehensive school make sense and use of the formal assessments they are given regarding their school performance. By interviewing 28 students in year ... -
I spänningsfältet mellan kontroll och utveckling. En policystudie av systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i kommunen, förskolan och fritidshemmet.
(2015-11-20)The aim of this thesis is to explore how Systematic quality development work (Sqdw) is enacted in municipalities, preschools and leisure-time centres. In Sweden Sqdw comes within the statutory obligations of preschools ... -
Interacting – coordinating text understanding in a student theatre production
(2019-03-07)The present dissertation explores student actors’ and their teachers’ coordination of text understanding in a theatre production – a two-semester process from page to stage in an upper secondary school in Sweden. With ... -
Interaktionsmönster, social anpassning och emotioner i förskolan. En mikrosociologisk studie av interaktion mellan förskollärare och barn i målorienterade aktiviteter
The overarching aim of this thesis is to contribute knowledge about the interactions between preschool teachers and children in ongoing goal-oriented documentation activities in preschool. More specifically, the thesis ... -
Interkulturella praktiker
(Grundtviginstitutet vid Göteborgs universitet, 2010) -
Jag har alla åldrar i mig!
(2020-02-04)This study investigates the production of age in three state-funded intergenerational projects, intended to increase age integration between young and old citizens. The main aim of the study is to contribute to the production ... -
Kan Batman vara rosa? Förhandlingar om pojkighet och normalitet på en förskola
(2010-08-27)Abstract Title: Have you Ever Seen a Pink Batman? Negotiating Boyishness and Normality at a Preschool. Language: Swedish with a summary in English Keywords: Performativity, gender, masculinity, normality, pre- school, ... -
Knowledge at play. Studies of games as members’ matters
(2013-05-08)On a general level, this thesis seeks some answers to the broad question of what one can learn from digital games. With an analytical approach informed by ethnomethodology, the main thrust of the work is an exploration ... -
Kompetensplattformen i Fyrbodal - en granskning av etableringsfasen
(Grundtviginstitutet vid Göteborgs universitet, 2013)