Browsing Department of Education, Communication and Learning / Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande, IPKL (2010-) by Title
Now showing items 6-25 of 100
Barns aktiviteter med datorplattor i förskolan
(2014-09-05)Children’s activities with tablet computers in Swedish preschool settings This thesis contributes, on the basis of original empirical research, to an on going discussion about the use of tablet computers in Swedish ... -
Barns och lärares aktiviteter med datorplattor och appar i förskolan
(2018-10-19)This doctoral thesis aims to examine how preschool children and teachers interact with tablets and apps, and contribute to a critical discussion about the role of digital technologies in preschool. The thesis consists ... -
Barns sociala liv på fritidshemmet En studie om praktikgemenskaper och alliansbildning i egenstyrda aktiviteter
(2011-05)Föreliggande studie har som avsikt att vinna kunskap om barns sociala liv på fritidshemmet. Fokus riktas dels mot praktikgemenskaper som social konstruktion, dels mot barns alliansskapande inom och mellan de praktikgemenskaper ... -
Bäst i klassen? Lärare och elever i svenska och europeiska policytexter
(2011-02-04)This thesis takes its departure in the recent criticism directed to the Swedish school system and its schools, teachers and pupils, but especially the epidemic of policies produced in order to develop and improve Swedish ... -
Bildning - en del av sjuksköterskans utbildning
(Grundtviginstitutet vid Göteborgs universitet, 2011) -
Children retelling stories. Responding, reshaping, and remembering in early childhood education and care
(2022-11-14)Oral storytelling is a prevalent cultural practice for sense-making. Through stories, people get to know themselves, others, and the world around them. Children are introduced to this practice at home and in early childhood ... -
Children's story making with digital technologies: Tool-mediated activities in a preschool class
(2014)Narrating has a long tradition within early childhood education and serves, among many things, as a means of engaging children in literacy activities. With the advent of digital technologies, different contexts are created ... -
Contextualizing inquiry. Negotiations of tasks, tools and actions in an upper secondary classroom.
(2012-11-27)The challenges for education in contemporary society are complex. The emergence of the post-industrial society – an information- or knowledge society, where the development of digital technologies are pivotal – have altered ... -
Designing for learning and knowing: Nurses in chronic care and patients' self-monitoring data
(2019-11-06)This thesis focuses on nurses’ work practice in chronic care and their learning and knowing in relation to their patients’ self-monitoring data. It is anticipated that self-monitoring data used as a support for healthcare ... -
Digital technologies as support for learning about the marine environment: Steps toward ocean literacy
(2017-11-27)Over the last century the ocean has been negatively impacted by human activities. In order to continue benefitting from marine services and goods, and the qualities afforded to human life through the ocean, citizens need ... -
Digitala sexuella trakasserier i skolan: Elevperspektiv på sexting, utsatthet och jämställdhet.
(2022-02-24)Att sexta, innebär att dela självproducerade foton eller videoklipp med naket eller halvnaket innehåll av sexuell karaktär. Delningen sker genom att en person själv skickar, tar emot eller vidarebefordra sexuella foton ... -
Doing Knowledge @Scale: Sociomaterial Practices and Professional Learning of Software Developers on Stack Overflow
(2024-09-13)When millions of people gather online to produce and distribute knowledge, the vast digital platforms they use – Facebook, Reddit, X, or the focus of this study, Stack Overflow – become integral to how they learn and work. ... -
Doing project work: The interactional organization of tasks, resources, and instructions
(2015-11-27)In the Swedish educational system, there is a strong emphasis on student autonomy, active knowledge seeking, and critical reflection. Students regularly work individually or in groups with projects that are organized around ... -
Engagerade i världens bästa? Lärande för hållbarhet i förskolan
(2013-05-10)In this thesis the aim is to acquire knowledge about and to scrutinise the ambiguity, complexity and contradictions within education for sustainability in the Swedish preschool, as well as analysing children’s agency and ... -
Extremisten i klassrummet - perspektiv på skolans förväntade ansvar att förhindra framtida terrorism
(2018-02-02)In this thesis the development of strategies and action plans for prevention of violent extremism (PVE) in the Swedish educational system is analysed. Sweden had its first national action plan for PVE-work adopted in ... -
Feedback and instructional guidance in healthcare simulation debriefings
(2019-10-25)The overall interest of the thesis concerns how students reflect upon and provide feedback on their own performance under the guidance of teachers. This interest is explored in the context of debriefing conversations that ... -
Flerspråkiga barn i förskolan: Villkor för deltagande och lärande
(2012-08-17)The aim of this research was to study the learning conditions in preschool that support young multilingual children’s language and communicative development, and their participation in activities. A sociocultural theoretical ... -
Formulating knowledge: Engaging with issues of sustainable development through academic writing in engineering education
(2014-10-09)Given that knowledge in society is increasingly shaped by textuality and dependent on texts, higher education holds a special responsibility for introducing and guiding students into text practices contingent on disciplinary ... -
Fostran i förskolan
(2015-05-21)Upbringing in preschool. Keywords: Upbringing, relational, uniqueness, order, existence, lifeworld, Preschool. The purpose of the current study is to generate knowledge about the preschool teacher’s incitements to action ...