ArtMonitor nr 6/2009
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I ArtMonitor 6/2009 förs en diskussion om konstnärlig forskning bland annat utifrån utställningen och seminariet Talkin' Loud and Sayin' Something. Uställningen och tillhörande seminarier var en del av ELIAs (European League of Institutes of the Arts) tionde biennala konferens som hölls vid Göteborgs universitet i okt-nov 2008.
Recent Submissions
Talkin´loud and Sayin´something - a sound artwork
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
Adjustable spaces without a fit - a designer's reflection of Sven-Eric Liedman's lecture
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
"There will always be those that slam on the brakes and say this is wrong..." - on education and research in the humanities and art
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
Inter Esse - working in-between institutions
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
Talkin´loud and Sayin´something - a description of a sound artwork
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
Talkin´loud and Sayin´something - ELIA symposium on artistic research
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
The delight of giant-slayers or can artists commit their lives to paper?
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
In-between research-based practice and practice-based research
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
Om-tänkande genom videoessä - ett arbete i Chris Markers fotspår/ Re-thinking through a video essay - a work in the footsteps of Chris Marker
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
Kumiko, Johnnie Walker and the Cute
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
"There will always be those that slam on the brakes and say this is wrong..."
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
One step forward - a review of three dissertations in art
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
To be in-between: in search of the artistic subject. Reflections on artistic research as seen through the dissertation Inter Esse by Per Zetterfalk
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009) -
"Being democratic and universal, you are always under the accusation of being elitist..." - interview with Boris Groys
(Göteborgs universitet. Konstnärliga fakulteten, 2009)