Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper
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“You have to be healthy to cope with being sick” A qualitative interview study on the power relation between the Swedish healthcare system and endometriosis patients
(2025-01-14)Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease where cells similar to the uterine lining develop outside the uterus. It is estimated that every tenth person with a uterus has endometriosis. However, it is an unprioritised, ... -
NÖDVÄNDIGT, OMÖJLIGT OCH MENINGSFULLT. Om att arbeta med kulturtidskrifter
(2024-12-04)This master thesis deals with the working conditions and work motivators for editors of cultural journals in Sweden. Through the qualitative method of semi-structured interviews with editors of cultural journals this thesis ... -
Queer lives - Chronic futures. Negotiating neoliberalism, solidarities and futures among queer people with chronic illness in the context of Sweden
(2024-11-14)The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how queer people with chronic illness negotiate and respond to systems of ableism, neoliberalism and heteronormativity in the context of Sweden. The research material consists ... -
Konstförstörelse/Förstörelsekonster: En undersökning av konstruktiv ikonoklasm som konstnärlig process
(2024-10-28)Building on the concept of constructive iconoclasm as a creational force of iconicity, this thesis examines how the contemporary iconoclastic discourse is related to artistic process. Studies have shown that the performative ... -
DIGITALA RUM OCH RUMSLIGA DIGITALISERINGAR - hur hemmet tar plats på Instagram
(2024-10-21)In a world obsessed with the visual our homes have gone viral. Through the frame of Instagram family members seems switched to furnitures and the so-called smartphone surely opened the door to new, digital places. Social ... -
SPIRITUALITET OCH INTUITIVA VIBES Tjejers strävan efter respektabilitet i ett digitalt rum
(2024-10-07)On social media, girls create digital spaces where a distinctive spiritual culture emerges. This spiritual culture is therapeutic in nature, consisting of therapeutic compositions and happiness-generating templates that ... -
MED PUBLIKEN I CENTRUM. En studie om publikutveckling, representation, makt och demokrati på Kulturkvarteret i Örebro
(2024-09-18)Since the decision to build a cultural center, the relatively newly started Kulturkvarteret in Örebro has had to endure both criticism and praise. While Kulturkvarteret is establishing itself as one of the city's central ... -
Det har inte kommit till vår kommun ännu - En analys av svensk kulturpolitik
(2024-09-11)This thesis investigates recent changes in Swedish cultural policy, focusing on the perspectives of municipal civil servants. The study identifies two primary areas of concern: economic instability and political instability. ... -
In the Eyes of Media: Discourses on the Idea of Children in News Reporting on Youth Prisons in Sweden
(2024-07-18)This thesis aims to dissect how the idea of children is discursively constructed in the news reporting on youth prisons in Sweden, and to demonstrate how seemingly objective discourses on children are constructed and ... -
Mode, Media, Makt och Materialitet. En studie i AI och bilder av mode genererade i Stable Diffusion och Midjourney
(2024-06-28)The world today is experiencing an AI summer, urging us to engage with its technologies on a daily basis. Recently, researchers have begun to voice concerns about the potential risks if we do not address the inherent biases ... -
Algorithmic Injustice: Predictive Policing and Profiling in the Netherlands – the Top600 and Top400 approaches
(2024-06-19)This thesis is located within the emerging intersections between feminist critique and algorithmic injustice, with a specific focus on predictive policing. By employing feminist theoretical perspectives on governmentality, ... -
Oppressive Silence: A Qualitative Study on Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence in Namibia and Survivors’ Responses
(2024-06-17)This thesis investigates same-sex intimate partner violence (SSIPV) in Namibia primarily through 12 in-depth interviews with survivors, conducted during three months of field research. In particular, I ex-amine the ... -
Pilgrimsvandring som verktyg för förändring. Pilgrim’s Walk for Future’s aktualisering av pilgrimsteologin under nyliberala villkor
(2024-04-16)In the essay the author examines how pilgrimage can be used as a tool to radicalise democracy in a late modern society marked by neoliberalism. Applying a dialectic perspective on social movements the essay puts forward ... -
National Heroes, Digital Soldiers, Vulnerable Children and all the Others: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Videos Communicating the QAnon Conspiracy Theory
(2024-02-23)This thesis analyses the making of Us and Them in videos communicating the QAnon conspiracy theory, which have been circulating on online social forums. For this purpose, Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis is used, ... -
EXTREME, SPECTACULAR AND HORRIFIC A qualitative film analysis of affective strategies in extreme horror via Terrifier 2
(2023-12-20)During the year of 2022 the film Terrifier 2 was shown in theaters all over the western world. This film was not supported by any larger production companies, but was partly crowdfunded. The film combines elements from ... -
MED DENNA VISDOM BÖRJAR VI DENNA LÅT. Om mellansnackets diskursiva konstruktion av den svenska folkmusikgenren
(2023-10-04)”With this knowledge we begin this tune” – Stage talk as the discursive construction of Swedish folk music. Stage talk – i.e. the musicians’ talk on stage during concerts – is a given in an array of musical genres, although ... -
Who Deserves to Be Included? Diffraction of Diversity and Inclusion in Swedish International Organizations
(2023-08-21)My thesis explores how diffraction on D&I is created by the entanglement of the nature of institution (institutional will and wall) and dissemination of neoliberal rationality, and how it perpetuates power relations that ... -
Visualisering av tystade historier - En dekolonial kulturanalys av verket I firandet av vår kamp finns deras undergång
(2023-08-09)The dominant narrative of history, prevalent in Sweden, is of a country which has no structural racism and that had no part in the colonization of the Americas or in the transatlantic slave trade. This is far from the ... -
”The greater dysphoria I’ve had, the greater dysmorphia - they work together” - An interview study on trans and nonbinary experiences of seeking and participating in Swedish eating disorder treatment
(2023-07-05)The accessibility of eating disorder treatment for trans and nonbinary individuals has for long been an overlooked approach within research as well as in practice both internationally and in Sweden. By analysing four ... -
Childfree People’s Experiences of Menstrual Health in Healthcare
(2023-06-27)This master's thesis investigates childfree people's experiences of menstrual health in Swedish healthcare. My research questions are 1). How do childfree patients experience their visits regarding menstrual health at ...