Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Sátántangó och Passion: varaktighet i realistisk och allegorisk gestaltning
This essay proposes and examines a coalition between the Deleuzian notion of time-images and two different cinematographic traits: realism and symbolic or allegoric content. The material in question are the films by directors ...
Whatever happens, I will never sell the mountains - A reparative analysis of the temporal, political, emotional and intellectual aspects of crafting
The aim of this thesis is to investigate time and the values connected to different uses of time.
What use is legitimate, and what is seen as a waste of time? I will argue that a general notion of
time as ‘bad’ or ‘useless’ ...
The Poor Talent, the Unusually Knowing Housewife and the New You
The starting point of this thesis is the working class’ fight for knowledge, education and
bildning during the 20th century in Sweden. With the general question “who has the right to
knowledge?” I go over text- and image ...
Constructing Rural Identities – A Diverse Narrative
So far, rural people and communities have not received much consideration within the field of gender studies while urban individuals and their lifestyles have been normalised. I argue that the rural space inhabits a huge ...