Now showing items 1-7 of 7
The poetry of the Nobel Prize Laureate Tomas Tranströmer (1931–2015) is well known for its
richness of musical references and components. The poet himself was a high level amateur
pianist, and he was even promoted an ...
GarageBand eller Logic Pro? En studie i föreställningar om professionalitet och konsten att välja arbetsredskap inom digital musikproduktion
GarageBand and Logic Pro are Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) developed by Apple for
recording and producing music. The former comes for free with every Mac, iPhone or iPad while
the latter comes with a price tag and ...
Barns och ungas tillgång till kultur - En studie om strukturer, handlingsutrymme och agens i Göteborgs Stad
Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasizes that all children have the right to participate fully in cultural and artistic life. The goal has been to investigate how the City of Gothenburg works with ...
”Veni, vidi, vinjett” – en studie om hur åskådare uppfattar, tolkar och reagerar på kända och okända vinjetter till tv-serier
The purpose of this essay is to reveal how eight informants perceive and experience both known and unknown show openings for tv-series and how they describe this in terms of thoughts, feelings and experiences. This aim was ...
Messages from the deep: A reception study of Denis Villeneuve's Dune
This essay uses Pierre Bourdieus habitus, symbolic capital, Social fields, Stuart Halls representation
theory and Encoding/Decoding system, as well as Henry Jenkins concept of convergence culture and
media convergence, ...
"Vad f*n har jag valt för utbildning?" – en kvalitativ undersökning om kulturstudenters relation till sina studier
När jag påbörjade mina studier på kandidatprogrammet Kultur drog jag mig för att svara på
frågor om vad jag gör om dagarna. Jag märkte att jag skämdes till följd av mitt studieval. Jag
tyckte det var svårt att bemöta det ...
Conjunction of the spheres. The struggle for hegemony in the English language online reception of Netflix adaption: The Witcher.
This essay uses the concepts of convergence culture, transmedia and hegemony, to understand the struggles within the English language reception to Netflix Tv production “The Witcher.” In order to help the reader, the essay ...