Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper
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Mode som funk(is)ar - konsumtion som strategi för identitetsskapande för personer med synliga funktionsnedsättningar
(2024-07-05)This essay will discuss consumption as a strategy for creating one’s identity for persons with visible disabilities. Along with this, questions asked and answered are concerning how lack of inclusion in the fashion industry ... -
Gendering the Genderless
(2024-06-19)This bachelor thesis examines how the film Blade Runner 2049 (2017) projects Western gender norms onto the film's characters. The focus is on how the artificial intelligences are gendered despite being technological systems ... -
“VIOLENT DELIGHTS HAVE VIOLENT ENDS” An Overview of Male User Violence and Aggression Against AI Girlfriends in Replika
(2024-05-31)In media we have recently observed a rise of interest in AI girlfriends on the application Replika, but little evidence exists around romantic human-chatbot relationships (HCRs) in relation to consent and ethical considerations, ... -
VEM ÄR JAG ENLIGT STJÄRNORNA? En kulturvetenskaplig studie om astrologins roll i identitet och divination
(2024-05-08)The aim of this study is to examine how zodiac signs are depicted through social interactions from an identity perspective and if zodiac signs can be seen as a form of divination. Our method was based on the answers of ... -
VISSERLIGEN SÅ KAN MAN INTE OPERERA EN SÅGVERKSMASKIN, MEN MAN KAN JU LIKSOM GÖRA NÅGOT FÖR DEMOKRATIN. En diskursanalytisk studie om folkhögskolans roll i det nyliberala samhället
(2024-05-08)In this bachelor's thesis, we investigate the Swedish folk high school´s role in neoliberal society, which is analyzed through the lens of Norman Fairclough's critical discourse theory as well as Erving Goffman's theory ... -
From Revolutionary Dispositions to Aesthetic Ventures
(2024-04-22)The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis is to examine gentrification in Exarchia, Athens, through the perspective of new business owners along with how they experience gentrification in the neighborhood of Exarchia. A secondary ... -
“TOMMA HUS ALLAS HUS” - En studie om husockupationer
(2024-04-19)The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between urban transformation and the occupation movement in Sweden, aiming to identify the movement's characteristics and comprehend its changes over time. By ... -
Att syna en Joker: En filmanalys av berättandets och musikens roll i Joker
(2024-04-16)This essay focuses on the film Joker (2019) directed by Todd Phillips. It examines the narration and the use of music as a narrative device to discuss questions about identification and perception through close textual ... -
”Film är ju ett sätt att kommunicera med människor.” En studie av Naomi Kawases porträttering av att vara kvinna i relation till en gemenskap.
(2024-04-16)By analysing Still the water (2014), Radiance (2017) and True Mothers (2020) by Naomi Kawase this essay will look at her work to see how she portrays the experience of being a woman in relation to her community. Looking ... -
Greta Gerwig’s Barbie: A Study of How Political Culture Wars Influence Reception in the Mainstream
(2024-04-15)This study discusses Barbie, (2023) and how its divided reception has been influenced by the current polarizing political landscape in the US, since the intended audience for the movie was supposed to be people from the ... -
Ett långt förflutet. En kvalitativ undersökning av debatten kring psykologin och psykoanalysen i Göteborg.
(2024-03-27)This essay is a qualitative study of the relationship between psychology and psychoanalysis pertaining to the debates in 2020 and 2022, with a focus on the Gothenburg context. This essay will through the use of a questionnaire ... -
#GIRLDINNER. En kvalitativ studie om tjejers kultur på sociala medier genom exemplet #girldinner
(2024-03-01)Under 2023 fanns det många tjejtrender och under sommaren 2023 blev #girldinner ett fenomen. #Girldinner är en TikTok trend som huvudsakligen syftar till att tjejer visar sina måltider de kallar för #girldinner. #Girldinner ... -
Folk och minnen i Glaskogen - En analys av överlevnadsfaktorer hos sägner, folklore och folkminnen
(2024-02-09)This work is meant to show how memory can work within a smaller society when it comes to folklore and local history. What is remembered, how it is remembered and why it is remembered. Sprung from the older collections ... -
Crude Oils. Vilka budskap kan finnas i Banksys målningar?
(2024-02-08)Syftet med uppsatsen är dels att genom analys söka de budskap som finns i tre oljemålningar som ingår i en serie som Banksy kallat Crude Oils, dels att genom intervjuer undersöka hur ett antal betraktare uppfattar verken. ... -
Banbrytande formgivning i Sveriges textilindustri En studie om Astrid Sampes mönsterproduktion
(2024-02-07)The main focus of this study are the textile prints created by Astrid Sampe (1909-2002). Her fabrics can tell us more about her than a biography ever could. They can reveal how we experience patterns, why we are attracted ... -
FLYKTEN FRÅN VARDAGEN. Om fantasy, eskapism och verklighet
(2024-02-07)This paper investigates the relations between the fantasy genre and the phenomena of escapism. It also delves into the factors which motivates consumption of various fantasy mediums. This is done through interviews with ... -
(2023-09-12)AI representations in contemporary media provide interesting illustrative examples that show wider perspectives on the complex relationship between humans and AI. This study aims to analyze the portrayal of female AI ... -
”Att läsa böcker för barn är ju också en upplevelse för vuxna” Vuxnas förståelse och användning av bilderböcker.
(2023-06-13)In this thesis I have in groups of three, interviewed five women and one man between the ages of 26 and 50+ about their reading experience and understanding of three crossover picturebooks. I have also conducted a survey ... -
När bilder berör. En studie av Alfredo Jaars verk Shadows, 2014.
(2023-06-08)This study focuses on the work Shadows, 2014, by the artist Alfredo Jaar and his intent to convey the feeling and suffering from an image to the viewer. It examines how the experience of his work could be understood ... -
En utmanad bildtradition - En formalestetisk undersökning och analys av Ellen Trotzigs Självporträtt från 1906
(2023-06-07)This thesis examines the self-portrait made the year 1906 by the Swedish artist Ellen Trotzig. Bought by the Gothenburg Museum of Art in 1908, it remains one out of five contemporary oil paintings made by female artists ...