Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion
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CHILD AS METAPHOR A theological perspective on liberation and hope in texts by Jürgen Moltmann
(2025-02-13)Metaphors of the child are commonly used in theological contexts but rarely analyzed and problematized. This dissertation will examine how metaphors of the child are used and deconstruct the metaphors to identify the ... -
Metaphor as Microcosm – Metaphor in and through Maximus the Confessor’s Mystagogy
(2025-02-13)In this thesis, I aim to cross-fertilize a composite theory of metaphor with the theology of Maximus the Confessor. The theory is primarily based on Conceptual Metaphor Theory, complemented by the perspectives of Paul ... -
Kulturarvsapplikation: skapandet av en Augmented Reality-rekonstruktion av en medeltida kyrkas exteriör
(2024-12-03)St. Olav’s Path is a unique cultural route in Sweden with sixteen medieval churches located along it, including nine that are ruined or fully destroyed. This report outlines the creation of an iPad application prototype, ... -
Från teknokultur till digikultur - En teknofeministisk diskursanalys av digitalisering inom kulturarvs- och kommun- och regionsektorn
(2024-09-23)This master thesis explores the way digitalization can be viewed as both as an enabler and an obstacle in society. Focusing on two projects, Digisam and Digitaliseringsindex, I employ a techno feminist approach analysing ... -
Vad innebär agape och agapekultivering? En studie av samtida agapeteologi från feministteologiskt och psykologiskt perspektiv
(2024-08-06)The main purpose of this study is to explore and develop how the Christian conception of love as agape can be understood in light of feminist concerns, and how it can be cultivated in light of psychological research. ... -
Den olfaktoriska läsningen. Lukt i Sara Stridsbergs Happy Sally
(2024-06-29)This essay examines the olfactory reading as a possible way to make sense of a fragmented novel, in this case Sara Stridsberg’s debut Happy Sally (2004). Through close reading, the essay identifies the source of the smells, ... -
The Possibilities of Supralapsarian Christology As Exemplified by Karl Barth and Hans Urs von Balthasar
(2024-06-18)Supralapsarian Christology suggests superior motives in the incarnation than God’s response to humanity’s fall. Several advocates thus speculate that the incarnation would occur even without a fall. Since this position has ... -
Begravningsplatser och begravningar i ett mångkulturellt samhälle En etnografisk fallstudie av Varabygdens begravningsplatser
(2024-06-12)The thesis explores what is meant by multiculturalism in today's Sweden based on burial grounds and funerals in a minor municipality. This is done through an ethnographic case study of the municipality of Vara. The study ... -
Warcrafting myth A transmedial study of mythemes in World of Warcraft
(2024-06-12)The video game World of Warcraft has been active, as of 2024, for 20 years. During that time, it has expanded into novels, comics, animated shorts, and YouTube-videos. The aim of this paper is to study the use of mythic ... -
Charisma in the Spiritual Marketplace -an Ethnographic Study of How Spiritual Teachers in Ubud Perform to Be Assigned Charismatic Authority
(2024-06-07)This study, based on ethnographic fieldwork, explores how spiritual teachers in Ubud, manage self-presentation to be assigned charisma. By understanding contemporary spirituality as a spiritual marketplace, applying Max ... -
ASYL och KONVERSION Asylsökande konvertiters förståelse av sin konversionsprocess
(2024-02-14)The purpose of this study is to analyse asylum seeking converts understanding of their conversion process based on church context, specifically within the realm of evangelical church and theology. Through the method of ... -
Non-Violence: a hallmark of Christian moral life An analysis of Stanley Hauerwas´ theological reflection on non-violence
(2024-01-30)This study analyses Stanley Hauerwas´ reflections on non-violence. In a society where violence and force are marks of the attempt to promote justice, it is required that the Church and the Christian community develop an ... -
UNDERBARA OBEGRÄNSADE OCEAN En ekokritisk studie av havet i Olaus Magnus Historia om de nordiska folken
(2023-11-22)The aim of this thesis is to examine how the sea is portrayed in the book Historia om de nordiska folken (1555), to further understanding about early modern ideas of the ocean as a natural environment. The book was written ... -
Den heliga modern – en eländig fattig piga Den dubbelsidiga mariabilden i 1600-talets predikotexter i Sverige
(2023-07-04)This thesis examines the images of the Virgin Mary in sermons of seventeenth century Sweden. For the study a selection of four postils have been analysed, written by Simon Musæus, Martin Moller, Johannes Matthiæ and Lars ... -
Medel att återställa kroppens och själens krafter? Om Carl von Linnés syn på växters inverkan på människans sinne(n) i Inebriantia år 1762
(2023-06-29)Abstract: Carl Linnaeus’s dissertation Inebriantia (1762) emerges as a transitional piece at the intersection of the early modern and the modern period, reflecting 18th-century beliefs about inebriation, the natural world, ... -
Perspektiv på propaganda Propagandabegreppet i Sverige mellan 1920 och 1951
(2023-06-29)This thesis examines the term propaganda and it´s use and meaning in the public discourse in Swedish press between the years 1920 and 1951. The thesis asks the overarching question of how and why the definition of the term ... -
Face to face: the Beatific Vision according to Gregory of Nyssa and Thomas Aquinas
(2023-06-29)Abstract: This dissertation aims to retrieve the doctrine of the beatific vision from the works of Gregory of Nyssa and Thomas Aquinas, hence the research question is: What are the respective understandings of the beatific ... -
Totalitarismens existensform. Textualitet och politik i tre verk av Imre Kertész
(2023-06-20)This thesis explores the theoretical and political dimensions of textuality and self-reflexivity in the literature of Imre Kertész (1929–2016). Specifically, it investigates the relationship between textuality and reflexivity, ... -
Med äran i behåll Gloria och Virtus i Ciceros tal mot Antonius
(2022-11-10)This essay, by applying principles derived from the thought of Quentin Skinner, explores the Roman concepts of gloria and virtus in the prose literature of the late Roman Republic, primarily in the writings of (in order ... -
En våg från framtiden En materiell ekokritisk läsning av P C Jersilds Efter floden
(2022-08-16)This study explores how different kinds of matter interact and intra-act with each other and with the human dimension in Jersild’s Efter floden. This according to the notion that these intra-actions produce configurations ...