Kandidatuppsater / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion
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Guds ord och konungens bud Teologi och politik i predikan i det svenska riket 1611–1648
(2024-11-26)This B achelor's thesis explores sermons in E arly M odern Sweden from 1611 to 1648 as an educational tool, a channel for news, and a propaganda instrument for the state. It studies how sermons legitimised sovereign ... -
Vad fikar de efter? En studie i hur kyrkfikat påverkar upplevelsen av gemenskap i Svenska kyrkan
(2024-09-12)In most churches in Church of Sweden there is fika after the Sunday service. The word fika is part of the Swedish culture. It is a gathering that gives people a break and a common fika includes coffee, tea and a cookie or ... -
Hur börjar man leva när man är redo att dö? En kvalitativ studie om människor som lämnat Jehovas vittnen
(2024-07-01)The aim of this study was to create a greater understanding of apostates, by analyzing narratives of five ex-members regarding their exit from Jehovah´s Witnesses. I conducted interviews to gather descriptions from specific ... -
“Whaddaya Mean Biblical?” Apocalypticism and Apocalypse in Ghostbusters (1984)
(2024-03-06)The purpose of this thesis is to examine the sci-fi horror comedy film Ghostbusters (1984) from an exegetical perspective of reception history with a focus on questions of apocalypticism and apocalypse. This splits the ... -
Det är du att stå i regn hela tiden. Ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv på subjektet i Katarina Frostensons poesi
(2024-02-06)This essay examines the speaking subject in Katarina Frostenson’s poetry through a phenomenological perspective. The study is focused on how the subject appears, the relation between the subject’s inner world and the outside ... -
Can Theological Semiotics Reconcile Nature and Culture? Nathan Lyons’ Semiotic Imaginary in Dialogue with Christology
(2024-02-02)Abstract The philosopher of science Bruno Latour believes modernity is premised on the division of nature and culture into distinct spheres. In response to the problems this division poses, he has suggested a theoretical ... -
En svart prick på vita duken Rasism, klass, hot och autenticitet i debatten om Ruben Östlunds film Play
(2023-11-23)In 2011, a swedish feature film namned Play, directed by Ruben Östlund, caused a cultural debate in the national daily press. The film was about a larger group of older black boys and a minor group of white boys, engaged ... -
Kristen lära i ljuset av en hindu Paramahansa Yogananda tolkar det Nya Testamentet
(2023-07-13)In this essay I enquire how a Hindu-reading of the Christian scriptures in the New Testament can form the understanding of the message of Jesus Christ and the Christian theology. More thoroughly I enquire the Hindu author ... -
Kropp, själ och uppståndelse En komparativ studie av en substansdualistisk, och konstitutionell syn på själen
(2023-07-10)Abstract This paper examines two theories on the subject Body, Soul and Resurrection. This is a comparative literature study about the Substansdualistic, and the Constitutional view explained by two philosophers, Stewart ... -
“Det var som att Guds eget hjärta höll på att brista” – Receptionen av Jesu korsfästelse och död i tre svenska barnbiblar.
(2023-03-09)The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how three Swedish children’s bibles explain the assumed problematic topic of the crucifixion and death of Jesus. The children’s bibles which will be analysed are Barnens bästa ... -
Hur förkunnas evangeliet i Göteborgs stift? En homiletisk studie med hermeneutisk ansats av predikningar tredje söndagen i fastan.
(2023-01-03)Abstract The main purpose of this essay is to examine how the gospel is preached by priests in the Church of Sweden in the diocese of Gothenburg on the Sunday chosen for the essay. To be able to investigate this, I have ... -
Kvinnor, natur och förmänskligade föremål – en ekofeministisk analys av Stina Aronsons Dockdans
(2022-08-19)This essay concerns the play Dockdans (”Dolldance”) by Stina Aronson. Written in 1939 (but not published until 1949) it blends some of the most fascinating themes from two different stylistic and thematic periods in Aronson’s ... -
Mitt kors - En stötesten för kyrkan? En diskursanalys av initiativet Mitt kors.
(2022-06-20)Father Jaques Hamel was murdered on July 26, 2016, while he was celebrating the morning mass in his small church in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray in northern France. Hamel was killed by two young men pledging allegiance to the ... -
Jesus och tetragrammaton i Johannesevangeliet. Jesu användning av gudsnamnet i modern bibelöversättning
(2022-06-17)The tetragrammaton – God’s name, YHWH – appears in Old Testament (OT) texts Exodus 3:14 and Deutero-Isaiah. In LXX the phrase is written as ἐγώ εἰμι, literally ‘I am’. John, more than any other gospel writer, places these ... -
Delar av en helhet. Tematisk interaktion mellan berättelserna i Sara Stridsbergs "Darling River"
(2022-02-17)This essay aims to examine how the different storylines in Sara Stridsberg’s "Darling River" interact and illuminate one another. To achieve this, it uses Max Black’s theory of interactive metaphors, and focuses on three ... -
En dödlig komedi. Commedia dell’Arte i Agatha Christies "Peril at End House" (1932) och "The Hollow" (1946)
(2022-02-17)This essay examines the role of Commedia dell’Arte in Agatha Christie’s "Peril at End House" (1932) and "The Hollow" (1946). The connection between the whodunnit novel and Commedia dell’Arte has been made several times, ... -
”Och med granskogen följer mörker” Natursyn i två barnlitterära bilderböcker av Lars Lerin
(2022-02-17)This thesis examines which attitudes towards nature can be found in two contemporary children’s picture books by Swedish artist and author Lars Lerin. The questions posed further concern whether there are visible differences ... -
Kvinnor, yoghurtglass, och Frankenkukar. En undersökning om kvinnors begär i "Milk Fed" av Melissa Broder
(2022-02-17)This essay aims to examine the depiction of female desire in the novel "Milk Fed", published in 2021 by author Melissa Broder. Female desire as a literary motif has become more frequent in fiction over time, moreover it ... -
"I have alluded to him, Reader". Categorising literary references in Jane Eyre (1847)
(2022-02-17)This essay examines the use of references to real books within the narrative of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847). Jane Eyre is one of the most densely allusive novels of its time, which is well-documented, but there is ... -
Uppdukat för särskiljning I det borgerliga hemmet runt sekelskiftet 1900
(2022-02-16)Sammanfattning Vad kan ett uppdukat bord i en museimonter säga oss om särskiljning av kön och klass i det borgerliga hemmet vid sekelskiftet 1900? Det kommer denna uppsats att undersöka genom att belysa den borgerliga ...