Browsing Kandidatuppsater / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 233-247 of 247
Vad är det barnen sjunger om? Teologin i psalmerna för barn och familj i 1986 års psalmbok
(2020-01-28)The Swedish hymnbook from 1986 includes a section with ten hymns for “children and families”. In addition to this, eight more hymns from other parts of the hymnbook are put forward as recommended for use with children. ... -
Vad är problemet med den besvärlige profeten? En receptionshistorisk analys av Hesekieltexten i Talmud-Bavli
(2021-01-28)This essay will examine the reception-history of Ezekiel in Talmud-Bavli, tractate Hagigah 13a, where the issues about Ezekiel are discussed to a length by the Tannaim and Amoraim of their times. This chapter is often ... -
Vad fikar de efter? En studie i hur kyrkfikat påverkar upplevelsen av gemenskap i Svenska kyrkan
(2024-09-12)In most churches in Church of Sweden there is fika after the Sunday service. The word fika is part of the Swedish culture. It is a gathering that gives people a break and a common fika includes coffee, tea and a cookie or ... -
Vad spelar sexualiteten för roll? En queerdidaktisk genusanalys av ungdomsromanen Spelar roll av Hans Olsson
(2011-10-26)Uppsatsen syfte är att problematisera dikotomin maskulint/feminint och subjekten män/kvinnor, samt att införa ett icke-heterosexuellt perspektiv in i genusforskningen kring ungdomslitteratur. Detta görs utifrån teoretiker ... -
Vad tror blivande religionslärare? En livsberättelsestudie om sex lärarstudenters syn på religion
(2014-09-11)With this thesis I have examined the views of religion among six comparative religion teacher students, with the perspecitve of their life stories. I have also examined what stance they want to take due to their personal ... -
"Var fruktsamma och föröka er..." - men hur? Assisterad befruktning i judisk och katolsk bibeltolkning och teologi
(2019-06-27)This study is an investigation of the arguments and the discussion concerning Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and its relation to doctrines in the Jewish and Catholic faith traditions. In the creation story of the ... -
"Varför gråter du, kvinna?" Funktioner och symboler hos vätskor relaterade till kroppen. En undersökning av Johannesevangeliet
(2016-09-15)This essay explores the narrative, historical and theological functions and symbols of fluids related to the body in the Gospel of John. Relevant fluids include blood, tears, ointment, wine and water. Baptism and lakes are ... -
Vem går på teater? En publikundersökning av "I Annas garderob" och "Natten är dagens mor" på Göteborgs Stadsteater hösten 2014.
(2015-02-05)The aim of this essay is to analyze the social data and habits of audiences attending the plays I Annas garderob, which had its world premiere at Göteborgs Stadsteater October 2014, and Natten är dagens mor, which opened ... -
”Vi sitter oss till stillhet” Nyreligiositet i Svenska Kyrkan
(2014-06-26)In this essay, I research and discuss new spirituality (or what is commonly known as New Age) within some congregations in the Church of Sweden, Gothenburg. I question how and why this new spirituality has come to be ... -
Vi tror på Gud Fader allsmäktig. En studie av Charles Hartshornes processteologi i jämförelse med luthersk teologi
(2012-01-31)Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) was a religious philosopher. He adopted and developed the cosmologic thinking and concept of God from the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, he was also influenced by Heidegger, Spinoza and ... -
”Vi vet ju inte vad de kristna egentligen tror på.” En studie om elevers syn på sin undervisning om kristendom i religionskunskap
(2014-01-21)Johanna Petrén, a prospective teacher of religion, has examined how a couple of students view Christianity as it is presented in a Religious Education classroom. Furthermore, how this image matches their experience of ... -
Den villfarande studenten. Rättsprocessen mot Erik Molin 1734-1739
(2012-06-27)This study investigates the judicial process against Erik Molin, a clerk and former theology student at the University of Uppsala 1734-1739. The main purpose has been twofold; first to investigate the legal process through ... -
Violence against Christians in India. A discursive study of two Indian English newspapers
(2012-06-27)Persecution of Christians in India has increased drastically during the last fifteen years, hundreds have been murdered, thousands injured and numerous driven from their homes. In this situation news media has an important ... -
Western and Indian theories of consciousness confronted A comparative overview of continental and analytic philosophy with Advaita Vedanta and Madhyamaka Buddhism
(2014-01-22)The burgeoning field of cognitive studies in the West is motivated by a renewed interest in conscious experience, which arose in the postmodern zeitgeist in response to the positivist, scientific ideal of objectivity. ... -
“Whaddaya Mean Biblical?” Apocalypticism and Apocalypse in Ghostbusters (1984)
(2024-03-06)The purpose of this thesis is to examine the sci-fi horror comedy film Ghostbusters (1984) from an exegetical perspective of reception history with a focus on questions of apocalypticism and apocalypse. This splits the ...