Browsing Kandidatuppsater / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 220-239 of 247
Teologiska perspektiv på ekonomisk globalisering - en jämförande analys av två teologers syn på globalisering, liberal marknadsekonomi och kapitalism i förhållande till kristen etik
(2017-06-12)This thesis analyzes some moral questions with regard to the global market capitalism of our day, from the perspective of political theology. It is presenting the theological and ethical thinking of american theologians ... -
The Discourse of Religion in Swedish Secular Humanism. A Discursive study of religion and the secular in the Swedish Humanist Association
(2015-06-29)This study combines the two scholarly fields of studying atheism and secular humanism and the discursive approach of studying the uses of the category “religion” in socio-political interests. As an empirical case, the study ... -
The Post-revolutionary Hierocracy in Iran: Fundamentalism or populism?
(2015-10-23)Few words are being used so frequently in the study of religion as the word fundamentalism. Even though the term was coined more than a century ago, it was with the establishment of the post-revolutionary hierocracy in ... -
To Die in Rage. Violence, masculinity and aesthetics in the narrative of ISIS
(2015-06-25)The aim of this thesis is to map general themes which the Islamic Sate of Sham (ISIS) presents in its media, both textual and visual, in order to pin down the group’s constitutionalizing narrative. The study focuses on the ... -
Tolkningsproblemet i 1 Kor 7:21 ur ett mottagarperspektiv
(2021-01-28)The thesis examines possible ways of understanding 1 Corinthians 7.21 in the context of especially 1 Corinthians 7.17–24 and generally the whole of chapter 7. This is done from the perspective of perception, through a ... -
Trauma, vittnesmål och etik. Representationens möjligheter och omöjligheter i Hayden Whites "The Modernist Event" samt i Shoshana Felman och Dori Laubs "Testimony"
(2013-07-03)This essay is a meta-theoretical study that aims to show normative and ethical implications that might follow from theories concerning representation of traumatic events in four essays from Shoshana Felman and Dori Laub’s ... -
Trinitariskt språk hos Paulus Spänningsförhållanden i beskrivningen av Fader, Son och Ande
(2012-02-06)This essay is aiming to go through and study the most important and frequently mentioned terms and titles used in the letters of Paul to denote and describe God, the Father, the Son and the Spirit. These include “Christ” ... -
EN UNDERSÖKNING AV BEGREPPET ’READYMADE’-LITTERATUR – med huvudfokus på Enrique Vila-Matas roman Dublinesk
(2020-06-11)This essay examines the usage of the ‘readymade’-technique in the literature by the spanish author Enrique Vila- Matas. Specifically in his novel Dublinesk. The concept ‘readymade’ was originally created by the french ... -
Undervisning och identitet En intervjustudie om betydelsen av religiös eftermiddagsundervisning för bevarandet av en judisk identitet
(2012-06-21)The aim of this essay is to study the religious education which the Jewish Community of Göteborg offers to members between six and fourteen years of age. The main question of the essay is “what function does the religious ... -
Ungdomar, religion & religiositet En undersökning om ungdomars syn på religion och religiositet
(2012-09-11)This is a study concern high school student’s view of religion and their religiosity. I dispensed a questionnaire to 124 high school students studying comparative religion in a large high school in Sweden, with the students ... -
Uppdukat för särskiljning I det borgerliga hemmet runt sekelskiftet 1900
(2022-02-16)Sammanfattning Vad kan ett uppdukat bord i en museimonter säga oss om särskiljning av kön och klass i det borgerliga hemmet vid sekelskiftet 1900? Det kommer denna uppsats att undersöka genom att belysa den borgerliga ... -
Vad är det barnen sjunger om? Teologin i psalmerna för barn och familj i 1986 års psalmbok
(2020-01-28)The Swedish hymnbook from 1986 includes a section with ten hymns for “children and families”. In addition to this, eight more hymns from other parts of the hymnbook are put forward as recommended for use with children. ... -
Vad är problemet med den besvärlige profeten? En receptionshistorisk analys av Hesekieltexten i Talmud-Bavli
(2021-01-28)This essay will examine the reception-history of Ezekiel in Talmud-Bavli, tractate Hagigah 13a, where the issues about Ezekiel are discussed to a length by the Tannaim and Amoraim of their times. This chapter is often ... -
Vad fikar de efter? En studie i hur kyrkfikat påverkar upplevelsen av gemenskap i Svenska kyrkan
(2024-09-12)In most churches in Church of Sweden there is fika after the Sunday service. The word fika is part of the Swedish culture. It is a gathering that gives people a break and a common fika includes coffee, tea and a cookie or ... -
Vad spelar sexualiteten för roll? En queerdidaktisk genusanalys av ungdomsromanen Spelar roll av Hans Olsson
(2011-10-26)Uppsatsen syfte är att problematisera dikotomin maskulint/feminint och subjekten män/kvinnor, samt att införa ett icke-heterosexuellt perspektiv in i genusforskningen kring ungdomslitteratur. Detta görs utifrån teoretiker ... -
Vad tror blivande religionslärare? En livsberättelsestudie om sex lärarstudenters syn på religion
(2014-09-11)With this thesis I have examined the views of religion among six comparative religion teacher students, with the perspecitve of their life stories. I have also examined what stance they want to take due to their personal ... -
"Var fruktsamma och föröka er..." - men hur? Assisterad befruktning i judisk och katolsk bibeltolkning och teologi
(2019-06-27)This study is an investigation of the arguments and the discussion concerning Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and its relation to doctrines in the Jewish and Catholic faith traditions. In the creation story of the ... -
"Varför gråter du, kvinna?" Funktioner och symboler hos vätskor relaterade till kroppen. En undersökning av Johannesevangeliet
(2016-09-15)This essay explores the narrative, historical and theological functions and symbols of fluids related to the body in the Gospel of John. Relevant fluids include blood, tears, ointment, wine and water. Baptism and lakes are ...