Browsing Kandidatuppsater / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 185-204 of 247
Queera Barnbiblar - En narratologisk & queerteoretisk analys av transformationen av berättelsen om David och Jonatan
(2012-09-10)As humans we transfer norms and values, which we are aware or unaware of, to the children near to us. These children embrace them, and the adult´s norms and values become the child's own ones. When a Bible story is going ... -
"Rabarbers" - Processen med texten
(2014-11-07)The essay is an analysis of the theatrical and dramatic aspects to a playtext. Based on the production and manuscript Rhubarb by Maria Blom. With the essay I intend to answer the following questions: What happens to the ... -
”De räknas inte som svenskar i mina ögon” En studie av attityder till islam och muslimer hos elever på gymnasiets yrkesförberedande linjer med ett intersektionellt perspektiv
(2013-02-08)This essay aims to broaden the understanding of intolerance towards people with religious and/or cultural Islamic association or background. This thesis has intolerance and Islamophobia as central components and starts ... -
Rättfärdighetsbegreppet i Matteusevangeliet Språkliga betydelser och teologiska funktioner av 'rättfärdighet' och 'rättfärdig'
(2013-08-06)This thesis examines the concept of righteousness in the Gospel of Matthew. The research explores the literal meanings and theological functions of the noun ’righteousness’ and the adjective ’righteous’ through a ... -
Receptionen av Anne Charlotte Lefflers författarskap i den tyska tidskriften "Deutsche Rundschau" 1884-1894. En undersökning av förutsättningarna för en ny effektiv litteraturhistorieskrivning.
(2014-05-06)This essay examines the possibilities of writing a counter history about Anne Charlotte Leffler that does not have - like most of the previous studies and literary histories upon Leffler - the Swedish boundaries or the ... -
Relevans i litteratur En relevansteoretisk undersökning av Johannes Anyurus De kommer att drunkna i sina mödrars tårar
(2019-10-04)This essay aims to show how Relevance Theory from the Philosophy of Language can be used in literary analysis. The integration of Literary Theory and Relevance Theory has high value in that it raises the status of fiction ... -
"Religion" i public service. Hur är det tänkt?
(2015-06-25)The essay explores how the category ‘religion’ occurs and functions in the regulatory documents governing the Swedish public service companies. The study also highlights Swedens changed religious demographics and the ... -
Religionsdialog i Göteborg med omnejd
(2020-02-20)The aim and research questions: This study explores and describe the work on the religious dialogue in Gothenburg. The main purpose of the study has been to identify and highlight the conditions and opportunities of the ... -
Religionsdialogens mening - En religionssociologisk studie av deltagande i Interreligiösa Centret i Göteborg
(2016-01-28)The following thesis makes an effort to present, analyze and discuss the subject of religious dialogue and individuals who participate in activities surrounding it. The result is presented with data regarding the demographic ... -
RISTNINGAR OCH ROP En studie av ikon och konst i själ och materia genom två kristna tänkare: Wassily Kandinsky och Pavel Florenskij
(2020-06-11)This thesis is an analysis of Wassily Kandinsky´s concept of art and Pavel Florensky´s icon(painting)theology. The thesis examines how they formulate the artist/icon-painter´s vocation as well as art´s and icon´s ... -
En Samtida Opera. En empirisk studie av Giuseppe Verdis "Don Carlos" utifrån två fältstudier.
(2015-02-05)This research looks into the modern revival of opera based on the study of two recent productions of Giuseppe Verdi’s Don Carlo; the first is the 2010 production at the Gothenburg Opera in Gothenburg, Sweden and the second ... -
Det särskilda diakonatet. En jämförande studie mellan Equmeniakyrkan och Svenska kyrkan 2018
(2019-01-30)This study is an analysis of the differences and the causes of the differences between Equmeniakyrkan (Uniting Church in Sweden) and Svenska kyrkan (Church of Sweden) concerning the ministry of deaconate. The analysis ... -
Så mycket på spel. En studie om spels narrativa förmåga och funktion i skolan
(2014-02-06)The purpose of this essay is to investigate and discuss the current state of game research and its potential usage in didactic situations. The essay is divided in two parts. Part one consists of an attempt to comment ... -
Schartau och efterföljare - Personen och traditionen
(2014-01-21)Henric Schartau was the prominent figure in a Christian revivalist movement that spread mainly in south west Sweden during the 19th century. Priesthood followers in the tradition, commonly named Schartauans, often preached ... -
Sexualetik för Svenska kyrkan. Om hur Svenska kyrkan kan hantera frågor om sex och sexualitet idag, utifrån ett liberalt förhållningssätt
(2017-02-02)This paper present a suggestion to what I consider is an appropriate sexual ethic for the Church of Sweden. It is a response to the inability of how to handle these issues by various representatives of the church today. ... -
Simon K. Bobergs iscensättning av Spiro Scimones "Konvolutten". En samtida samhällssatir med kopplingar till Commedia dell' arte
(2014-09-25)La Busta/Konvolutten/The envelope was written in 2006 by the Italian playwright, director and actor Spiro Scimone. It is a contemporary political farce with clear roots and inspiration from Commedia dell´arte. As the ... -
Själavårdshunden. Hundens medverkan i själavården
(2017-09-01)This thesis will discuss the pastoral care dog and the dog's role in the pastoral care. I will focus on the pastoral care within the Church of Sweden. Since the dog’s history has developed from living beside humans for ...