Browsing Kandidatuppsater / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 141-160 of 247
Mandragora - Traditionsskapande inom den mörkermagiska orden Mandragora Nox i skuggan av splittringen från Dragon Rouge
(2021-11-18)Abstract: This study is about Mandragora Nox, a Swedish Left-Hand Path order which founding is linked to a schism within the largest Swedish Left-Hand Path group Dragon Rouge. In this thesis, light is shed upon aspects ... -
Manliga vampyrer och kvinnliga offer. En diskursanalys av det övernaturliga och könsroller i The Vampire Diaries
(2013-09-10)The purpose of this essay is to examine how the supernatural and the occult are portrayed in popular culture. To be able to do this, I have chosen to perform a discourse analysis of the two first novels in the L. J Smith ... -
Markion Markions Kristendom
(2013-08-06)This essay describes Marcion, his life, religion and achievements. He was active 120 – 160 and was a leading christian gnostics or a christian extreme paulinist. Marcion regarded himself as the only true interpreter of ... -
Maskulinitet i läromedel. En kritisk diskursanalys av en lärobok i religionsämnet
(2014-01-31)This study indicates that research about men and masculinity does not appear to have advanced as far as research about women and femininity. Similarly to attitudes concerning women and femininity, clear norms and attitudes ... -
Mälaren runt. En kriminalpsykologisk odyssé
(2011-03-04) -
"En människa är det". En queerdidaktisk analys av Jessica Schiefauers "Pojkarna" och dess möjligheter för arbete med likabehandling i skolan
(2015-04-15)This text aims to examine how teaching in literature can contribute to the schools work with creating an antidiscriminating environment. When it comes to the Swedish schools antidiscrimination plans, this essay focuses ... -
Människa, var är du? Prästens roll som själavårdare i det postmoderna samhället
(2013-08-06)The purpose of this study is to find out how clergymen in the Church of Sweden understand their role as pastoral caregivers, in a context of a society that has changed quite a lot during the past decades. The study is based ... -
Med naturen som resurs. Om trädgårdsdiakoni i Svenska kyrkan
(2019-06-27)This thesis will investigate the Church of Sweden´s use of gardens for stress rehabilitation. To help understanding how and why gardens are used for that purpose in a church setting, interviews have been made with people ... -
Medeltida triumfkrucifix i Bohuslän. En analys av nio triumfkrucifix och deras utveckling och symbolspråk
(2016-08-31)The objective of this study is to investigate the old Christian symbol of triumphal crosses, during the Middle Ages in Western Europe, Scandinavia and Bohuslän, Sweden. This study is about medieval triumphal crosses from ... -
Medvetandets anatomi. Antonio Damasios avtryck i svensk mylla
(2012-04-20)This paper aims to explore the reception in Sweden of the work and ideas of neuroscientist Antonio R Damasio, expressed in his four published books. The material used is mainly articled and reviews published in Sweden ... -
"Men då hade han ju varit kär i en kille!" - En kvalitativ undersökning om elevers genusskapande i samband med läsning av en skönlitterär text i en årskurs 7.
(2012-11-08)Mitt syfte med examensarbetet var att undersöka och diskutera hur elever i en årskurs 7 ”gör genus” då de får läsa och diskutera den skönlitterära texten ”DU! Hitta rytmen” av Daniel Möller (2004) där huvudkaraktärens kön ... -
Messiashemligheten. En undersökning av Jesus hemliga identitet i utvalda texter i Markusevangeliet, i jämförelse med Matteus- och Lukasevangeliet
(2016-07-05)The purpose of this study was to research the secrecy of Jesus identity in the synoptic gospels, with a special focus on the gospel of Mark. It was the late theologian William Wrede who coined the term Messianic Secret, ... -
Minne, teknik och död. Teknikfilosofiska läsningar av Jacques Roubauds Quelque chose noir (1986) och W. G. Sebalds Austerlitz (2001)
(2021-02-26)This paper examines the works Quelque chose noir (1986) by Jacques Roubaud and Austerlitz (2001) by W. G. Sebald through the lens of philosophy of technology. Employing the theories of the philosopher Jacques Derrida and ... -
Mitt kors - En stötesten för kyrkan? En diskursanalys av initiativet Mitt kors.
(2022-06-20)Father Jaques Hamel was murdered on July 26, 2016, while he was celebrating the morning mass in his small church in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray in northern France. Hamel was killed by two young men pledging allegiance to the ... -
Mormonsk apostasi på nätet. En netnografisk studie på apostasi från Jesu Kristi Kyrka av Sista Dagars Heliga
(2020-06-17)Previous studies have shown that, during the last decades, religion has expanded to being a part of the world online. It serves as a place where religious devotees can maintain and strengthen their religious identity as ... -
Moses på filmduken. En filmanalys av två filmadaptioners framställningar av Exodus-berättelsen
(2015-07-28)Background - Previous studies show that religiously themed film adaptations mainly reflect biblical events with Jesus in focus. Adaptations can depict events and characters in many different ways, with varying compliance ... -
Mötet mellan gymnasieelever och den historiska litteraturen
(2011-03-04) -
Myndigheternas information till skaraborna. Tog den vägen över predikstolen?
(2013-08-05)This study deals with the compulsory reading of the public announcements in churches during the eighteens century. The focus is on the diocese of Skara. The ambition to make a comparison between the parish of Skara and the ... -
Mysticism, Spiritualitet och Rational-choice En kritisk analys av Stark och Finkes teoretiska ramverk
(2011-06-17)This paper is a critical analysis of the theoretical framework of Stark/Finke presented in "Acts of Faith..." that exposes aspects and implications of the framework which imply that the framework ought to be modified. ...