Browsing Kandidatuppsater / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 103-122 of 247
”Jag sa till mor, att det aldrig kunde vara riktigt att bara arbeta” Diskussioner om hemarbete i det sena fyrtiotalets Sverige
(2021-07-15)In the autumn of 1948, the listening competition Vettigt hemarbete (Judicious Housework) was announced on the Swedish radio. The task was to answer the question "How do you solve your housewife situation?". The following ... -
Janusansiktets potentialitet: en studie mellan erfarenhetsrum och förväntningshorisonter
(2011-03-21)This essay will discuss the Roman God Janus, as a figure of speech, in four different texts written by Publius Ovidius Naso, Michel de Montaigne, Francis Bacon and Elijah Fenton. The Janus figure could also illustrate the ... -
Jesu uppståndelse: centralt tema eller detalj? En jämförelse av framställningen av Jesu uppståndelse i 12 läromedel för gymnasiet
(2014-01-22)The following study pertains to investigate the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus as it is portrayal in text books aimed at the course Religion 1 for Swedish upper secondary school. The study was carried out ... -
Jesus och tetragrammaton i Johannesevangeliet. Jesu användning av gudsnamnet i modern bibelöversättning
(2022-06-17)The tetragrammaton – God’s name, YHWH – appears in Old Testament (OT) texts Exodus 3:14 and Deutero-Isaiah. In LXX the phrase is written as ἐγώ εἰμι, literally ‘I am’. John, more than any other gospel writer, places these ... -
Jesus, en hängiven farisé? En jämförelse mellan Matteusevangeliets Jesus och en modern syn på fariseerna
(2018-06-20)This paper is a comparative investigation between the Pharisees and Jesus as described in the Gospel of Matthew. The paper aims to investigate if Jesus was only a pious Jew or if he was a Pharisee and the method used for ... -
Johannesevangeliets "Jag är". En jämförande studie av "Jag är" och dess metaforer i Johannesevangeliet med Gamla testamentet och Synoptikerna
(2019-08-28)This study is an attempt to compare those parts of the Gospel of John which contain ”I am” sayings and metaphors with the Synoptic Gospels and the Old Testament. The method was simply to seek for phrases of ”I Am” in ... -
Den Jordiske Fadern. Bilden av Josef i barndomsberättelserna i Matteus och Lukas
(2015-01-27)The purpose of this study is to investigate how the authors of Matthew and Luke describe Joseph; The main aim is to see how the picture of him is drawn in the infancy narratives of their respective Gospels; what unites, ... -
Judendom i läromedel En diskursanalys av fyra läromedel i religionskunskap
(2012-01-31)This is a study that aims to discern whether there are any differences between upper secondary level school textbooks published both before The Living History Forum (a government agency that works with issues on tolerance, ... -
Judiska högtider i tre läroböcker En jämförande analys av hur judiska högtider framställs i tre läroböcker avsedda för Religionskunskap 1 på gymnasiet
(2013-08-06)The purpose of the study is to analyse the representations of Jewish festivals and how they affect the teaching in three textbooks for Religious Education 1 in Secondary Upper Education. The textbooks are Religion och livet ... -
Kaosets inträngande: Nihilismens metamorfoser i Nikanor Teratologens Att hata allt mänskligt liv (2009)
(2017-06-26)This paper examines how various aspects of Friedrich Nietzsche’s notorious concept of nihilism can be identified in Nikanor Teratologen’s novel Att hata allt mänskligt liv (2009). Based on the theories formulated in French ... -
Katolska kyrkans roll i skräckfilm En rollteoretisk analys av Katolska kyrkan i filmerna Exorcisten och Ritualen.
(2011-09-16)My problem comes out of the bigger question “why the Catholic church is featured in horror films whenever a religious organization is in one?” I have detected in the horror films that I've seen that when a religious ... -
KÄLLOR OCH PÖLAR Kritiska perspektiv och litterära ideal i Vilhelm Ekelunds Böcker och vandringar (1923)
(2020-08-12)This essay examines the critical perspectives and literary ideals of the author Vilhelm Ekelund (1880–1949) as they are indicated in the texts of his book Böcker och vandringar. Från Studie-år i Tyskland (1923). The essay’s ... -
Kenosis och Begär - En teologisk undersökning av spiritualitet, kroppslighet och bemyndigande i Etty Hillesums dagböcker och brev
(2016-01-25)In the past decades a movement towards the mystical tradition has taken place in academic theology. This raises questions on gender and the relationship between human corporeality and the divine. In this essay the feminist ... -
Det kommer en dag, när vi alla biter försiktigt i brödet. En studie av motivet tänder i svensk arbetarlitteratur utifrån ett intersektionellt och litteraturdidaktiskt perspektiv
(2015-06-05)The purpose of this text is to show how social class is (re)produced and created in the short stories”Draksådd” by Maria Sandel and Ivar Lo Johanssons ”Nya tänder” from Statarna I and to point out ways that the short ... -
Kristen djupmeditation som religiös praxis i Svenska kyrkan
(2012-01-31)The Church of Sweden has in recent years offered activities such as Christian deep medita-tion, mindfulness and health days. This may be a way for the Church of Sweden to reach the modern man who would not otherwise have ... -
Kristen etik i Beverly Hills. En hermeneutisk analys om framställandet av kristen etik i serierna Beverly Hills 90210 och 90210
(2013-10-02)This is a hermeneutic study that analyzes and discusses whether it is possible to find Christian ethics in the TV-series Beverly Hills 90210 (1990) and the spin-off 90210 (2008) and how they differ in the preparation of ... -
Kristen lära i ljuset av en hindu Paramahansa Yogananda tolkar det Nya Testamentet
(2023-07-13)In this essay I enquire how a Hindu-reading of the Christian scriptures in the New Testament can form the understanding of the message of Jesus Christ and the Christian theology. More thoroughly I enquire the Hindu author ...