Browsing Kandidatuppsater / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 88-107 of 247
"I have alluded to him, Reader". Categorising literary references in Jane Eyre (1847)
(2022-02-17)This essay examines the use of references to real books within the narrative of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847). Jane Eyre is one of the most densely allusive novels of its time, which is well-documented, but there is ... -
I Olav den heliges fotspår. En studie av historiebruket vid fem nutida västsvenska Olavsleder
(2017-06-20)This study is about the background, the creating and the using of the contemporary walking trails of Saint Olav in Bohuslän, from a perspective of history use. This study investigates the causes behind the creating of the ... -
”I sommar tar skogen tillbaka vad han försökte stjäla av den” Noveller av Erik Kuoksu och Lars Landgren genom ekogotisk analys
(2025-01-28)The environmental crisis, climate change and a growing awareness towards man’s relationship with nature and his own role in it has inspired a dark theoretical approach to dark depictions of nature. Simultaneously, a trend ... -
I vilken utsträckning relaterar unga muslimer till vänster-högerskalan i svensk politik?: En fallstudie från SUMs ungdomskonferens 2009
(2010-03-11)To what extent do young Muslims relate to the left-right-scale in Swedish politics?: A case study from SUM’s youth conference of 2009. English Abstract In Sweden there seem to be a growing concern about young people’s ... -
Identitetsbegreppet i religionsundervisning vid svensk gymnasieskola Analys av identitetsteorier
(2012-01-31)In this study I try to answer the question what to consider when teaching about identity and religious identity in Religious Studies at Upper Secondary Schools in Sweden. This inquiry is based on the fact that the latest ... -
Idyllens värnplikt under första världskriget En retorisk undersökning av Anders Österlings diktsamling "Idyllernas bok" och den politiska diktarrollen
(2025-02-03)During the First World War and the period preceding the outbreak of war, Swedish society was marked by mental militarisation and increasing polarisation. Many Swedish poets took on the role of opinion leaders, using poetry ... -
Inga vanliga turister. En komparativ studie av tre nyreligiösa bloggare och deras skildringar av Machu Picchu
(2019-01-28)This thesis examines and compares three blogs depicting visits at the Peruvian Inca ruins of Machu Picchu. The authors of the blogs are identified and categorized as operating within the - often vague and multifaceted - ... -
Inkarnationens hur Kristologi och eukaristi hos Kyrillos av Alexandria och Martin Luther
(2012-02-02)In this essay, I have examined and discussed the similarities and differences between christology in the thought of Cyril of Alexandria and Martin Luther, and further, to what extent Luther may have been influenced by Cyril ... -
Innanför murarna. En kvalitativ studie av hur fängelsepräster hanterar arbetsrelaterad stress
(2017-02-27)This study examines how prison chaplains from the Church of Sweden feel about their work environment and how they cope with work related stress. The aim of the study is to see if they use any religious coping strategies. ... -
Den inspirerade skriften: en exemplifiering genom texter av Thomas av Aquino
(2012-09-10)Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur den som skapar teologi påverkas av det som antas vara inspirerad skrift. Jag har undersökt hur Thomas av Aquino ser på den växande processen hos en person som studerar inspirerad ... -
Islam i religionsundervisningen
(2014-01-24)Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka och analysera religionslärarens tal om islam. Frågeställningarna är följande: Vilka diskurser förekommer i lärares tal om islam relaterat till undervisningssituationer? Vilka diskurser ... -
Islam på universitetet. En innehållsanalys av islamisk predikan på Chalmers
(2010-06-23)This paper analyzes the content of eight Islamic Friday-sermons, held at Chalmers Technical University in Gothenburg in spring 2010, organized by Chalmers Islamiska Förening (CIF) (Chalmers Islamic community). The forces ... -
Islam som religion och skolämne - en studie om hur högstadieelever kan tala om islam
(2014-06-26)With this thesis I have sought to do a critical review on how Islam is perceived and articulated by secondary school students in a school in a larger Swedish city. The aim is to analyse how some secondary students in Sweden ... -
En islamofobs manifest? En psykobiografisk analys av Anders Behring Breivik, 2083 A European Declaration of Independence och händelserna i Oslo och på Utøya den 22 juli 2011
(2013-08-06)On July 22, 2011 a bomb detonated in the government building in central Oslo in Norway and eight persons died. Later that day, 69 people, most of them youths, were shot down and killed on the island of Utøya by a uniformed ... -
”Jag sa till mor, att det aldrig kunde vara riktigt att bara arbeta” Diskussioner om hemarbete i det sena fyrtiotalets Sverige
(2021-07-15)In the autumn of 1948, the listening competition Vettigt hemarbete (Judicious Housework) was announced on the Swedish radio. The task was to answer the question "How do you solve your housewife situation?". The following ... -
Janusansiktets potentialitet: en studie mellan erfarenhetsrum och förväntningshorisonter
(2011-03-21)This essay will discuss the Roman God Janus, as a figure of speech, in four different texts written by Publius Ovidius Naso, Michel de Montaigne, Francis Bacon and Elijah Fenton. The Janus figure could also illustrate the ... -
Jesu uppståndelse: centralt tema eller detalj? En jämförelse av framställningen av Jesu uppståndelse i 12 läromedel för gymnasiet
(2014-01-22)The following study pertains to investigate the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus as it is portrayal in text books aimed at the course Religion 1 for Swedish upper secondary school. The study was carried out ... -
Jesus och tetragrammaton i Johannesevangeliet. Jesu användning av gudsnamnet i modern bibelöversättning
(2022-06-17)The tetragrammaton – God’s name, YHWH – appears in Old Testament (OT) texts Exodus 3:14 and Deutero-Isaiah. In LXX the phrase is written as ἐγώ εἰμι, literally ‘I am’. John, more than any other gospel writer, places these ... -
Jesus, en hängiven farisé? En jämförelse mellan Matteusevangeliets Jesus och en modern syn på fariseerna
(2018-06-20)This paper is a comparative investigation between the Pharisees and Jesus as described in the Gospel of Matthew. The paper aims to investigate if Jesus was only a pious Jew or if he was a Pharisee and the method used for ...