Browsing Kandidatuppsater / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 63-82 of 247
Gud och människa - Gudsbild och människosyn i två barnbiblar
(2015-07-28)The thesis/dissertation intends to examine how God and man are portrayed in two (different) children’s bibles. This is then analyzed with a narratological framework. The empirical material is based on Bibel för barn (1995) ... -
”Guden tiger och människorna pratar” - en studie av gudsbilden i Ingmar Bergmans filmer
(2011-09-16)The study is aimed at investigating the images of God, or how God is percepted, that is being presented in the artistic work of Ingmar Bergman, and how they differ from each other. The films that are being analysed in ... -
Gudinneanspråk i en monoteistisk kontext En ideologikritisk undersökning av Gen 4:1 och 4:25
(2025-01-27)This study focuses on a finding of a resemblance between the name giving speech that Eve gives to her firstborn son in Genesis 4:1 and the title of a mother goddess who, according to the polytheistic texts, takes part in ... -
Guds ord och konungens bud Teologi och politik i predikan i det svenska riket 1611–1648
(2024-11-26)This B achelor's thesis explores sermons in E arly M odern Sweden from 1611 to 1648 as an educational tool, a channel for news, and a propaganda instrument for the state. It studies how sermons legitimised sovereign ... -
Gudsbilder i svenska visor Fröding/Karlfeldt/Vreeswijk
(2012-01-31) -
Gudsupplevelsens värde i herrnhutiska livslopp mellan 1743 och 1864
(2019-06-28)This paper is compiled of memoirs, from six individuals within the Moravian Church, between 1743 and 1864, and they are being analyzed to understand how these individuals valued a divine encounter. The purpose of this paper ... -
En guide i lyrikdjungeln. Om att jämföra dikt och låttext och att hitta en väg att gå.
(2017-09-08)Investigations have shown that many teachers experience difficulties when it comes to teaching lyricism and that many students have an almost hostile attitude towards the subject. Hence I wanted to discuss methods to ... -
En guide till det goda livet? Om gymnasieungdomars syn på religion och religiösa människor
(2015-01-28)The aim of this essay is to investigate the attitudes towards religion and religious people held by a group of Swedish high school students. The main questions are; what causes these attitudes and how do they shape the ... -
Hagar. Sedd av Gud! Osedd av människor?
(2020-06-23)The purpose of this essay is to examine how the biblical person Hagar, who was African, woman and slave, has been seen on through history. I will also examine how Hagar is seen in a context of our time, as an identification ... -
Hälsa som mål och medel. En livsåskådningsanalys av chefers tal om hälsofrämjande arbete på arbetsplatsen
(2019-04-01)The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse the conception of life and how it influences the view of humans as well as the understanding of human health, more specifically the view of leaders and managers working ... -
Häxan och lejonet - en spegling av karaktärerna i evangelierna. En komparativ analys mellan boken och evangelierna
(2020-06-11)This essay shows how characters from the gospels appear in the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. C. S. Lewis told that he wanted to send a Christian message with the book but in a hidden way. Something to discover ... -
Häxor och populärkultur. En studie om konsumtionen av populärkultur och dess påverkan på häxors praktik i Sverige.
(2017-02-27)The purpose of this study is to examine if the reception of popular culture amongst witches in Sweden today has influenced their practices (ie. adapting something new, changing already existing practices etc.). To gather ... -
Hej Håkan! – en receptionsanalys av gymnasieelevers användning av litterära begrepp i en låttextanalys
(2019-02-05)This paper examines the use of literary terminology in upper secondary school. The study consists of 13 students letters written to Håkan Hellström where they analyze the rock lyrics of his song “Din tid kommer”. The lyrics ... -
Helhet och helighet. Kroppen som norm och ideal i Leviticus 21:16-24
(2019-06-28)The purpose of this essay is to examine the relationship between wholeness and holiness from the viewpoint of Lev 21:16-24. In order to do so, I will investigate what the list of blemishes (mûm) denote and the reason behind ... -
Den Helige Ande i den johanneiska litteraturen Särskiljer sig den johanneiska litteraturens presentation av Den Helige Ande i jämförelse med resterande nytestamentliga texter och i så fall hur?
(2021-01-28)The purpose of this essay is to analyze how the Holy Spirit is presented in the Johannine writings, with the aim of getting a better picture of the Holy Spirit and to see whether the Holy Spirit is described with personal ... -
”Hjälp, en bok!”- Bakomliggande orsaker till gymnasieelevers attityder vid läsning av skönlitteratur i svenskundervisningen
(2016-06-02)Today, teenagers seem to be less interested in reading in general and many researchers fear that the future for the classic fiction book is uncertain. In this research survey we take a deeper look into underlying factors ... -
Hospitalspredikantens arbetssituation i Sverige mellan åren 1894-1917
(2020-08-27)This essay treats the work situation of the hospital preacher in Sweden between the years 1894 – 1917, focusing on the question: what was the work situation like for the hospital preacher and who was or were his superiors? ...