Browsing Kandidatuppsater / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion by Title
Now showing items 34-53 of 247
Can Theological Semiotics Reconcile Nature and Culture? Nathan Lyons’ Semiotic Imaginary in Dialogue with Christology
(2024-02-02)Abstract The philosopher of science Bruno Latour believes modernity is premised on the division of nature and culture into distinct spheres. In response to the problems this division poses, he has suggested a theoretical ... -
Dekonstruktion är en dygd. En studie av moralpraktiker hos Thomas av Aquino i ljuset av Derrida
(2014-06-26)This study departs in a critique issued against the ethics of deconstruction that it does not provide good enough advice for how to turn its ehtics into "real life"-actions. Taking up the concept of moral practices as found ... -
Delar av en helhet. Tematisk interaktion mellan berättelserna i Sara Stridsbergs "Darling River"
(2022-02-17)This essay aims to examine how the different storylines in Sara Stridsberg’s "Darling River" interact and illuminate one another. To achieve this, it uses Max Black’s theory of interactive metaphors, and focuses on three ... -
Depressionens diktning. En studie av melankoliska processer i Karin Bellmans 'Stjärnvattenfallet' och Sylvia Plaths 'The Bell Jar'
(2018-03-28)Does depression have a language? Is there such a thing as an explicit depressive narrative? This thesis serves to answer these questions with a study of the portrayal of depression in the novels Stjärnvattenfallet by Karin ... -
Det är du att stå i regn hela tiden. Ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv på subjektet i Katarina Frostensons poesi
(2024-02-06)This essay examines the speaking subject in Katarina Frostenson’s poetry through a phenomenological perspective. The study is focused on how the subject appears, the relation between the subject’s inner world and the outside ... -
“Det var som att Guds eget hjärta höll på att brista” – Receptionen av Jesu korsfästelse och död i tre svenska barnbiblar.
(2023-03-09)The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how three Swedish children’s bibles explain the assumed problematic topic of the crucifixion and death of Jesus. The children’s bibles which will be analysed are Barnens bästa ... -
DÉSORDRES À PONDICHÉRY. A Paratextual Study of a Novel on a French Trading Post in India in the Late 1930s
(2015-10-05)The novel Désordres à Pondichéry by Georges Delamare (1897-1988) was published in Paris in 1938, dealing with the current situation in the French trading post Pondichéry. A preface by right-wing author Claude Farrère ... -
Dietrich Bonhoeffers Teologi och Svenska kyrkans tro, bekännelse och lära. En jämförande studie
(2011-02-07)The aim of this paper is to compare the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the belief, confession and faith of the Swedish church in order to see similarity. The research questions that have been used are: 1: What is the ... -
Dietrich Bonhoeffers Teologi och Svenska kyrkans tro, bekännelse och lära. En jämförande studie
(2012-01-31)The aim of this paper is to compare the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the belief, confession and faith of the Swedish church in order to see similarity. The research questions that have been used are: 1: What is the ... -
Det döda ägget. En studie av den vediska antropogonin
(2010-08-23) -
Döden som social överlevnad. Keltiskt människooffer under järnåldern
(2014-01-28)This essay concerns the Celts during the Iron Age, and their ritual practice in human sacrifice. The method applied is an eclectic historic-critic reading of the few classical sources that exist together with archeological ... -
En dödlig komedi. Commedia dell’Arte i Agatha Christies "Peril at End House" (1932) och "The Hollow" (1946)
(2022-02-17)This essay examines the role of Commedia dell’Arte in Agatha Christie’s "Peril at End House" (1932) and "The Hollow" (1946). The connection between the whodunnit novel and Commedia dell’Arte has been made several times, ... -
Dödsriket i Gamla och Nya testamentet - en jämförande studie
(2016-07-05)The purpose of this investigation is to examine the existence after death in the underworld in the Old and New Testament in the Bible. I will thereafter compare the images of the underworld. The investigation also tries ... -
Dövperspektiv på Markusevangeliet 7:31-37
(2018-03-01)This essay examines the theme of the deaf -perspective in the Gospel of Mark 7:31-37 . Two main questions asked are: 1 ) ” How does the Gospel of Marks view on deafness in the periscope of Mark 7:31-37? 2 ) ” How can ... -
Drev, syndabockar och megäror Skildringen av metoo-rörelsen i Katarina Frostensons och Fredrik Virtanens självbiografier
(2020-05-08)This thesis is an analysis of the description of the metoo movement in the autobiographies of poet Katarina Frostenson and journalist Fredrik Virtanen. Frostenson’s husband, Jean-Claude Arnault, and Virtanen were both ... -
Ekumeniska arbetsplatser En empirisk studie med fokus på yrkesroll och yrkesidentitet
(2012-09-10)Syftet med studien är att från de yrkesverksammas perspektiv beskriva det som kan utmärka yrkesroll och yrkesidentitet på en ekumenisk arbetsplats. Jag har valt att empiriskt söka svar på dessa frågor och har intervjuat ... -
En svart prick på vita duken Rasism, klass, hot och autenticitet i debatten om Ruben Östlunds film Play
(2023-11-23)In 2011, a swedish feature film namned Play, directed by Ruben Östlund, caused a cultural debate in the national daily press. The film was about a larger group of older black boys and a minor group of white boys, engaged ...