Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Translation and untellability. Autistic subjects in autobiographical discourse
(LIR. journal, 2016)
This article discusses the conditions for and reception of
auto biographies by autistic persons from a critical disability
per spective. Taking as a point of departure theories of narrativity
where storytelling is seen ...
Konstskapande med kroppen som biografi. Att navigera mellan det okända och det välkända
(LIR. journal, 2015)
In this article I seek to describe how to use performativity and
acting skills in order to get in touch with and articulate once
owns life-experiences beyond the explicit and well known. The
question is how I, by physical ...
Diktens dynamiska sanning. Exemplet Agnes von Krusenstjerna
(LIR. journal, 2015)
The article deals with the attention in recent biographical
research on agency and strategy concerning the individual’s
prospects to shape her public image in relation to existing
opportunities and constraints. The ...