Faculty of Humanities / Humanistiska fakulteten
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An overview of Grammatical Error Correction for the twelve MultiGEC-2025 languages
(2025-01-31)This overview is complementary to the comprehensive dataset description article for MultiGEC – a dataset for Multilingual Grammatical Error Correction including data for twelve European languages: Czech, English, Estonian, ... -
A metapredicative study of 𝜇-arithmetics
(2025-01-27)We present a semi-formal analysis of intuitionistic higher-order 𝜇-arithmetic through the medium of illfounded proofs and continuous cut elimination. -
AFRICA & ASIA, Working papers on Asian and African languages and literatures 5
(Institutionen för orientaliska och afrikanska språk, Göteborgs universitet, 2005) -
AFRICA & ASIA, Working papers on Asian and African languages and literatures 4
(Institutionen för orientaliska och afrikanska språk, Göteborgs universitet, 2004) -
AFRICA & ASIA, Working papers on Asian and African languages and literatures 3
(Institutionen för orientaliska och afrikanska språk, Göteborgs universitet, 2003) -
AFRICA & ASIA, Working papers on Asian and African languages and literatures 2
(Institutionen för orientaliska och afrikanska språk, Göteborgs universitet, 2002) -
AFRICA & ASIA, Working papers on Asian and African languages and literatures 1
(Institutionen för orientaliska och afrikanska språk, Göteborgs universitet, 2001) -
Dö din hund! : krig, lek och läsning i svensk barnboksutgivning under 200 år
(Ellerström, 2015) -
In the minds of stochastic parrots: Benchmarking, evaluating and interpreting large language models
(2024-11-18)The arrival of large language models (LLMs) in recent years has changed the landscape of natural language processing (NLP). Their impressive performance on popular benchmarks, ability to solve a range of different tasks ... -
Kampen om Kommersen – kritik, motstånd och drömmar i den nyliberala staden
(2024-11-18)The aim of this thesis is to study the ways in which neoliberal hegemony is produced and the processes by which it is maintained, negotiated and challenged. I critically examine the decisions, reports and interventions ... -
A Study of Actual and Non-Actual Motion Expressions in Telugu: A path towards a post-Talmian Motion Event Typology
(2024-11-05)This compilation thesis investigates the expressions of actual and non-actual motion (henceforth AM and NAM, respectively) in Telugu (Dravidian). AM refers to a situation where a physical object moves from one place to ... -
Estimating Sweden´s population in the Early Modern Period – methods and numbers
(2024)Examining the population in pre-modern society is a great challenge from the historian's point of view. Relevant source material is often missing, and what is still there can be methodically difficult to handle. The ... -
When Sparv met Superlim. . . A Sparv Plugin for Natural Language Understanding Analysis of Swedish
(Språkbanken Text, 2024) -
Språkkunskaper och kunskapsspråk. Ämneslitteracitet i ämnesprov, undervisning och elevtexter inom svenska som andraspråk och fysik
(2024-10-02)The overall aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of disciplinary literacy in two subjects, Swedish as a second language (SSL) and physics, among ninth-year students in compulsory school. This thesis focuses ... -
On ambiguous past participles in Dutch
(2011)This article takes up the longstanding debate on the categorisation of the past participle. This construction is known to exhibit the structural and semantic features of both adjectives and verbs. In this article, the ... -
Lexical expansion in the HAVE and BE perfect in Dutch A constructionist prototype account*
(2014)This article investigates lexical expansion in the HAVE and BE perfect in Dutch. It is known from previous research that early perfects show more lexical restrictions than their modern counterparts. The aim of this ... -
The grammaticalization of the have perfect in Dutch A corpus study of contextual extension and semantic generalization
(2013)The article investigates the grammaticalization of the have perfect in Dutch by means of a corpus study of historical legal texts dating from the middle of the thirteenth century until the end of the eighteenth century. ... -
Human impersonal pronouns in Swedish and Dutch. A contrastive study of man and men
(2012)This paper presents a contrastive study of the human impersonal pronouns man in Swedish and men in Dutch. Both impersonal pronouns are etymologically derived from man ‘human being’ and they more or less have the same ...