Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Self-Archiving in practice: What do the researchers say and is there any pain alleviation?
The purpose of the study was to increase self-archiving of scientific articles in
Swedish open archives and thus contribute to the dissemination and increased
visibility of Swedish research and to a greater impact for ...
Introduction to Academic Writing from an Academic Literacies Approach
In our paper we present a pilot project were we introduce new students to read, write and search for academic texts. We assume an ‘academic literacies’ approach, where these activities are seen as social practices that ...
Literacies for academic and professional purposes: Two collaboration projects with the University Library
Academic literacies among high school students and university students have been a highly discussed topic for several years in Sweden as well as other countries. Results of PISA show that high school students’ reading ...
Introducing electronic books at Göteborg University
Göteborg University Library has signed a contract with netLibrary providing users on
the University’s network access to 500 copyrighted electronic books. These electronic
books represent “the third wave” at our Digital ...
Putting a National Portal for Undergraduate Theses into Production
(Peeters Publishing ISBN 90-429-1645-1, 2005-06)
This paper discusses processes and experiences gained from creating a national portal (Uppsök) for Swedish
undergraduate theses, using a common metadata model and set structure with agreements on semantics on top of
Stöd och samarbete för studenters lärande: UB som pedagogisk partner
Vi bjuder in till en diskussion om UB:s roll som pedagogiskt stöd för studenterna på GU, både i form av klassrumsundervisning men även i form av olika webbstöd.