Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science / Institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori
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Artiklar / Institutionen för filosofi, lingvistik och vetenskapsteori
Fulltext versions of articles published in journals etc.
Recent Submissions
A Study of Actual and Non-Actual Motion Expressions in Telugu: A path towards a post-Talmian Motion Event Typology
(2024-11-05)This compilation thesis investigates the expressions of actual and non-actual motion (henceforth AM and NAM, respectively) in Telugu (Dravidian). AM refers to a situation where a physical object moves from one place to ... -
Computational Models of Language and Vision: Studies of Neural Models as Learners of Multi-Modal Knowledge
(2024-05-16)This thesis develops and evaluates computational models that generate natural language descriptions of visual content. We build and examine models of language and vision to gain a deeper understanding of how they reflect ... -
Fundamental Dynamicity – A Metaphysics of Time and Process
(2024-05-02)This book continues a long tradition in philosophy going back to the pre-Socratics, who made a rather simple observation that still holds true today: All things flow. We experience this flow, flux, in abundance: the seasons ... -
Look on my thesis, ye mighty: gaze interaction and social robotics
(2024-04-02)Gaze, a significant non-verbal social signal, conveys attentional cues and provides insight into others’ intentions and future actions. The thesis examines the intricate aspects of gaze in human-human dyadic interaction, ... -
Exploring Evidence-Based Practice Through New Forms of Engagement
(2023-12-15)This thesis is concerned with how to connect Science and Technology Studies (STS) with Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) through new forms of engagements. EBP is commonly associated with efforts to improve quality of welfare ... -
Nonhuman Moral Agency: A Practice-Focused Exploration of Moral Agency in Nonhuman Animals and Artificial Intelligence
(2023-12-05)Can nonhuman animals and artificial intelligence (AI) entities be attributed moral agency? The general assumption in the philosophical literature is that moral agency applies exclusively to humans since they alone possess ... -
Proceedings of the 2023 CLASP Conference on Learning with Small Data
(The Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023-09-10)The purpose of our conference is to bring together researchers from several areas of NLP, addressing datasets, methods and limits of effective (machine) learning with small data containing natural language and associated ... -
Studies in Language Structure using Deep Learning
(2023-08-15)This thesis deals with the discovery, prediction, and utilization of structural patterns in language using deep learning techniques. The thesis is divided into two sections. The first section gives an introduction to the ... -
Computational Content of Fixed Points
(2022-12)We study the computational content of fixed points in relation to two logical systems with distinct characteristics. Common to both research strands is a method for dealing with the iterative nature of fixed points. In the ... -
Representation matters in cyclic proof theory
(2023-04)Cyclic proof systems allowderivations whose underlying structure is a finite graph, rather than a well-founded tree. The soundness of cyclic proofs is usually ensured by imposing additional conditions beyond well-formedness. ... -
Semantic change in interaction: Studies on the dynamics of lexical meaning
(2023-03-28)This compilation thesis investigates how word meanings change. In particular, it's concerned semantic change at the levels of interaction and the speech community. To this end, the compiled studies employ methods from both ... -
Modelling the logical mind - Using the cognitive architecture ACT-R to model human symbolic reasoning in the description logic 𝒜ℒℰ
(2023)The problem of optimising automated explanations for entailments in knowledge bases is tackled by modelling deductive reasoning processes using the cognitive architecture ACT-R. This results in the model SHARP which ... -
Peerage and Judgment: How transdisciplinary collaborations recognize contributions without a consensus of meaning
(2022-12-07)This thesis concerns judgments of quality and belonging in transdisciplinary research (TD). TD includes academics from various disciplines and is open to participation from non-academics. It typically aims to address ... -
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Financial Crises from a Philosophical Perspective
(2022-11-09)Financial crises are severely destructive events. The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 sent sovereign states into a spiral of political unrest and caused millions of people to lose their homes, their jobs, their life savings, ... -
Proceedings of the 2022 CLASP Conference on (Dis)embodiment
(The Association for Computational Linguistics, 2022-09-14)Dis)embodiment brings together researchers from several areas examining the role of grounding and embodiment in modelling human language and behaviour – or limits thereof. The conference covers areas such as machine learning, ... -
Who is laughing now? Laughter-infused dialogue systems
(2022-08-16)This thesis paves the way for including laughter in spoken dialogue systems in a domain-general and linguistically valid way using computational linguistics tools and methods. The thesis is concerned with three main ... -
Distributional semantics for situated spatial language? Functional, geometric and perceptual perspectives
(CSLI Publications, 2022)Distributional semantics has been at the core of recent developments in deep learning work for natural language processing. This distributional semantics plus neural processing paradigm has resulted in significant improvements ... -
Confluence and Divergence of Emancipatory Healthcare Ideals and Psychiatric Contextual Challenges
(2022-05-09)Person-centered care (PCC) is generally understood to involve shaping healthcare processes, decisions, and plans according to the individual values, preferences, or goals of each patient. This is in contrast to more ...