Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Mandom och mödom: Sexualitet, homosocialitet och aristokratisk identitet på det senmedeltida Island
The purpose of this study is to show how political and sexual strategies interacted when the Icelandic elite was reorganized in the late Middle Ages. During the years 1262 through 1264, the Icelanders agreed to pay tax to ...
Kärlekens språk : adel, kärlek och äktenskap 1750-1900
This thesis examines the attitudes towards marriage for love among the Swedish aristocracy from 1750 to 1900. It also explores how the expression and experience of love transformed during the same period. According to ...
I kungens frånvaro. Formeringen av en isländsk aristokrati 1271–1387
Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011
Title I kungens frånvaro. Formeringen av en isländsk aristokrati 1271–1387
English title In royal absence. The making of an Icelandic aristocracy, ...
Thegns Around the North Sea: Elite, Nobility, Aristocracy of the Late Viking Age
This cross-disciplinary doctoral thesis examines thegns (OE/ON þegn) in late pre-Norman England and Viking-Age Scandinavia, departing from the problem of interpreting thegns commemorated in 45 runic inscriptions from around ...