Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Makt och samhälle: politisk ekonomi under bronsåldern i Karpaterbäckenet
This thesis examines social power in tell-building societies during the Early and Middle
Bronze Age (circa 2200 to 1400 BC) in the Carpathian Basin.
The interpretative framework is based on the notion that social power ...
Gaming in Mohenjo-daro – an Archaeology of Unities
The main question of this thesis concerns the possibility of illuminating the presence and impact of the irrational element that is play in an ancient societal structure. With this question as a lodestar, the investigation ...
Population Dynamics, Diet and Migrations of the Únetice Culture in Poland
Únětice kulturens roll när det kommer till formandet av bronsåldern i Europa kan inte överskattas. Uppkomsten och existensen av denna originella, utvidgande och dynamiska population markerar en av de mest intressanta ...