Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Härskare i liv och död. Social exklusivitet och maktstrategi i Vänerbygd under yngre järnålder
Between 2000 and 2012, archaeological investigations were conducted in Sunnerby at Kållandsö. A large mound from the Vendel period, an elite settlement from the late Iron Age/Medieval Times, as well as the remains of a ...
Tjärby – Lokala sedvänjor och långväga kontakter. Förromerskt grav- och byggnadsskick ur ett halländskt perspektiv
The main purpose of the thesis is to present, penetrate and analyse occurrences at two sites dated to Pre-Roman Iron Age. These events are regarded in the comparative light of their contemporary local, regional and ...
Encountering Environments. Natural conditions for subsistence and trade at Monte Polizzo, Sicily, 650-550 BC.
The overall aim of this thesis is to deepen our knowledge about indigenous western Sicilians commonly called the Elymians and, ultimately, to recognise them as independent actors in Sicilian history. A vital part of this ...
Iron Age Keys, Locks, and Chests: Exploring Locking Practices and Social Identities at Birka, Helgö, Lovö, Sanda, and Vallhagar
The use of keys, locks, and chests in the Scandinavian Iron Age is a subject overshadowed by the assumed connection between keys and the housewife with her administrative role on the farm. The key is sometimes even seen ...