Now showing items 1-10 of 51
Kvinnovärldar och barnamord. Makt, ansvar och gemenskap i rättsprotokoll ca 1700 - 1840
The main purpose of the thesis is to examine how women, through women worlds, were able to execute power and responsibility during the 18th and 19th centuries. The main source of the investigation has been court records ...
From Curiosa to World Culture. The History of the Latin American Collections at the Museum of World Culture in Sweden
This thesis discusses the history of the Latin American collections stored today at
the Museum of World Culture in Sweden, emphasizing the relationship between
the political ideological context of society and the signifi ...
Orienting West Mexico: The Mesoamerican World System 200-1200 CE
As world-systems theory came to the fore in archaeology during the 1980s and 1990s, it became evident that the analysis of pre-capitalist core/periphery relations required modifications of this theory for its further use ...
Rödsot i Sverige 1750 – 1900: En sjukdoms demografiska och medicinska historia
Dysentery or rödsot, as the disease was previously known in Sweden, remains a major scourge in developing countries. In Sweden and the rest of the Western world, however, the disease is almost gone. These circumstances ...
Ordens kraft : Politiska eder i Sverige 1520-1718
Political oaths were widespread in medieval times, but all over Europe their use dwindled in the early modern period, resulting in the institution being dismantled in many states. In previous research, this decay has been ...
Mellan fromhet och vidskepelse: Materialitet och religiositet i det efterreformatoriska Sverige
I avhandlingen undersöks olika förhållningssätt gentemot det materiella i fromhetslivet under 1600- och 1700-talen. Avhandlingens första del behandlar kyrkorummet och dess föremål, som sidoaltare, bilder och reliker. Den ...
Att skriva sig ut. Nya terapeutiska miljöer och tvångsvårdade patienters subjektsformering 1967–1992
The overall aim of the thesis is to analyze the new therapeutic projects and initiatives at St Lars Hospital in Lund, southern Sweden, during the period 1967–1992. Psychiatric care took place in society, rather than separated ...
Den hemliga sjön – en resa till det småländska inlandet för 9 000 år sedan
The thesis is based on the excavation of a Stone Age site approximately 9,300 years old located
in the south Swedish inland. Although the site delivered very few finds it was a site of considerable
potential merit. The ...