Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för historiska studier by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 67
Bebyggelse och samhällsstruktur. Södra och mellersta Skandinavien under senneolitikum och bronsålder 2300-500 f. Kr.
(2009-04-14)The main focus of this thesis is a comparative study of the structure and organisation of Late Neolithic and Bronze Age (2300-500 BC) settlements across the southern and middle part of Scandinavia. Variation in size and ... -
Mandom och mödom: Sexualitet, homosocialitet och aristokratisk identitet på det senmedeltida Island
(2009-05-18)The purpose of this study is to show how political and sexual strategies interacted when the Icelandic elite was reorganized in the late Middle Ages. During the years 1262 through 1264, the Icelanders agreed to pay tax to ... -
Freden, friköpen och järnplogarna. Drivkrafter och förändringsprocesser under den agrara revolutionen i Halland 1700 - 1900
(2010-01-11)The thesis studies the agricultural revolution in the province Halland in southwestern Sweden. New tools, land reclamation, new cultivation systems, better livestock, enclosures and free holding during the period 1700-1900 ... -
Urbana system och riksbildning i Skandinavien. En studie av Lödöses uppgång och fall ca 1050 – 1646
(2010-04-28)ABSTRACT Harlitz, E. 2010. Urbana system och riksbildning i Skandinavien: en studie av Lödöses uppgång och fall ca 1050–1646. [Urban Systems and State Formation in Scandinavia: A Study of the Rise and Fall of the Town ... -
Med lust och bävan. Vägen till biskopsstolen inom Svenska kyrkan under 1900-talet.
(2010-05-10)This study focuses on the appointment of bishops within the Church of Sweden and analyses the patterns of this group during a period of social change which affected the station and function of the Church of Sweden in ... -
In search of Dionysos. Reassessing a Dionysian context in early Rome
(2010-05-18)In the present study the possibility of an early appearance of the god Dionysos and his sphere in archaic Rome, in the decades around 500 BC, will be examined. In early scholarship, rooted in the 19th century, the phenomenon ... -
Kvinnovärldar och barnamord. Makt, ansvar och gemenskap i rättsprotokoll ca 1700 - 1840
(2010-10-26)The main purpose of the thesis is to examine how women, through women worlds, were able to execute power and responsibility during the 18th and 19th centuries. The main source of the investigation has been court records ... -
The crown of Arsinoë II. The creation and development of an imagery of authority
(2010-10-29)This study deals with a unique crown that was created for Queen Arsinoë II. The aim is to identify and understand the symbolism that is embedded in each pictorial detail that together form the crown and how this reflects ... -
Makt och samhälle: politisk ekonomi under bronsåldern i Karpaterbäckenet
(2010-11-03)This thesis examines social power in tell-building societies during the Early and Middle Bronze Age (circa 2200 to 1400 BC) in the Carpathian Basin. The interpretative framework is based on the notion that social power ... -
Bergsmän och tackjärnspatroner. Perspektiv på industrialiseringsprocessen 1810 – 1900
(2010-11-03)This thesis studies the preconditions for the industrialization of the Swedish iron industry in Lekebergslagen in the county of Närke. It focuses on the Bergsman and the ironworks, and on the division of production between ... -
"Jesus är för spanjorerna". Studier av den katolska missionens misslyckande i det tidigkoloniala Peru
(2010-12-07)The general aim of this study is to investigate the development of the Catholic mission in Peru between 1540 and 1622. Its point of departure is the fact that the efforts of the Catholic Church to Christianize the Indians ... -
Gaming in Mohenjo-daro – an Archaeology of Unities
(2011-01-12)The main question of this thesis concerns the possibility of illuminating the presence and impact of the irrational element that is play in an ancient societal structure. With this question as a lodestar, the investigation ... -
I kungens frånvaro. Formeringen av en isländsk aristokrati 1271–1387
(2011-04-19)Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011 Title I kungens frånvaro. Formeringen av en isländsk aristokrati 1271–1387 English title In royal absence. The making of an Icelandic aristocracy, ... -
From Curiosa to World Culture. The History of the Latin American Collections at the Museum of World Culture in Sweden
(2011-08-17)This thesis discusses the history of the Latin American collections stored today at the Museum of World Culture in Sweden, emphasizing the relationship between the political ideological context of society and the signifi ... -
Nådens ordning. En studie av västsvensk pietism 1730 – 1760
(2011-08-17)The topic of this dissertation is the wave of pietist revivals, or awakenings, that swept across western Sweden during the first half of the eighteenth century. Originating in Saxony, in the previous century, the pietist ... -
(2011-11-18)Attic Black Figure and Red Figure pottery was continuously imported in Cyprus for about 300 years; the first imports are noted ca 580/575 BC, and the last ca 325/300 BC, at about the same time (294 BC) as Cyprus was annexed ... -
The birds in the Iliad. Identities, interactions and functions
(2012-01-04)As the topic of this study embraces and entwines what is routinely divided into two separate categories, “nature” and “culture”, the birds in the Iliad challenge modern scientific division and in some ways, our thinking. ... -
Rätt till jakt: en studie av den svenska jakträtten ca 1600-1789
(2012-03-27)ABSTRACT Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden 2012 TITLE Rätt till jakt i Sverige: en studie av den segregerade jakträtten ca 1600-1789 ENGLISH TITLE Hunting rights in Sweden: a study of the ... -
Den hemliga sjön – en resa till det småländska inlandet för 9 000 år sedan
(2012-05-11)The thesis is based on the excavation of a Stone Age site approximately 9,300 years old located in the south Swedish inland. Although the site delivered very few finds it was a site of considerable potential merit. The ...