Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för historiska studier by Title
Now showing items 50-67 of 67
Rätt till jakt: en studie av den svenska jakträtten ca 1600-1789
(2012-03-27)ABSTRACT Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden 2012 TITLE Rätt till jakt i Sverige: en studie av den segregerade jakträtten ca 1600-1789 ENGLISH TITLE Hunting rights in Sweden: a study of the ... -
Rödsot i Sverige 1750 – 1900: En sjukdoms demografiska och medicinska historia
(2012-09-27)Dysentery or rödsot, as the disease was previously known in Sweden, remains a major scourge in developing countries. In Sweden and the rest of the Western world, however, the disease is almost gone. These circumstances ... -
Rörelsens ledare: Karriärvägar och ledarideal i den svenska arbetarrörelsen under 1900-talet
(2012-05-11)ABSTRACT Petra Pauli, Rörelsens ledare. Karriärvägar och ledarideal i den svenska arbetarrörelsen under 1900-talet, Avhandlingar från Institutionen för historiska studier, (Göteborg 2012) Written in Swedish with an English ... -
Settlement Scaling and Urban Infrastructure: A Comparative Approach to Settlements from the Ancient Indus society
(2022-01-17)The scope of the present thesis is to analyze the major variabilities among Indus settlements and urban infrastruc ture of the ancient Indus society during 2600-1900BCE. This includes the process of urbanization in relation ... -
Stone Age Companions: Humans and animals in hunter-gatherer burials in north-eastern Europe
(2022-05-17)This thesis examines the relationships between humans and animals in their mutual environment and how these relationships were expressed in the burial practices of northern foragers. The empirical research material consists ... -
Sverige och Nordlanden. Förvaltning och nordlig expansion 1250-1550
(2015-09-04)ABSTRACT Tegengren, Gunilla, 2015: Sverige och Nordlanden. Förvaltning och nordlig expansion, 1250-1550. (Sweden and the Northern Provinces. Central and provincial governance, administration and territorial expansion ... -
The birds in the Iliad. Identities, interactions and functions
(2012-01-04)As the topic of this study embraces and entwines what is routinely divided into two separate categories, “nature” and “culture”, the birds in the Iliad challenge modern scientific division and in some ways, our thinking. ... -
The crown of Arsinoë II. The creation and development of an imagery of authority
(2010-10-29)This study deals with a unique crown that was created for Queen Arsinoë II. The aim is to identify and understand the symbolism that is embedded in each pictorial detail that together form the crown and how this reflects ... -
Thegns Around the North Sea: Elite, Nobility, Aristocracy of the Late Viking Age
(2024-08-19)This cross-disciplinary doctoral thesis examines thegns (OE/ON þegn) in late pre-Norman England and Viking-Age Scandinavia, departing from the problem of interpreting thegns commemorated in 45 runic inscriptions from around ... -
Tjänstefolk: Vardagsliv i underordning, Stockholm 1600-1635.
(2020-05-14)In early modern Europe, large parts of the young and unmarried popula- tion worked as servants in the households of others, until they could marry. The servants were subordinated their master in a patriarchal relationship, ... -
De tjänstvilliga vännernas samhälle: Abraham Brahe och den svenska eliten 1590–1630
(2023-04-11)This dissertation traces the culture and agency of the Swedish elite during the years 1590–1630, focusing on lived practice rather than normative texts. It examines how culturally determined ways of thinking guided actions ... -
Tjärby – Lokala sedvänjor och långväga kontakter. Förromerskt grav- och byggnadsskick ur ett halländskt perspektiv
(2015-12-18)The main purpose of the thesis is to present, penetrate and analyse occurrences at two sites dated to Pre-Roman Iron Age. These events are regarded in the comparative light of their contemporary local, regional and ... -
Upplevelser av förhistorier. Analyser av svenska arkeologiska museiutställningar
(2015-05-06)This thesis studies the narratives conveyed in 36 Swedish archaeological exhibitions. The aim is to investigate using an intersectional perspective what kind of narratives, identities and meanings are created in the ... -
Urbana system och riksbildning i Skandinavien. En studie av Lödöses uppgång och fall ca 1050 – 1646
(2010-04-28)ABSTRACT Harlitz, E. 2010. Urbana system och riksbildning i Skandinavien: en studie av Lödöses uppgång och fall ca 1050–1646. [Urban Systems and State Formation in Scandinavia: A Study of the Rise and Fall of the Town ... -
Vernacular buildings and urban social practice – Wood and people in Early Modern Swedish society
(2020-08-19)Wooden houses were major components of the early modern Swedish townscape. Yet, today these buildings have largely disappeared due to fires, demolition and modernity. The main themes of the thesis are the study of what ... -
Vid gränsen. Mottagningen av flyktingar från Norge 1940-1945
(2018-12-13)Norway was occupied by Germany on the 9th April 1940. As a consequence, thousands of Norwegians fled to Sweden, and there are good grounds for asserting that Sweden experienced its first fairly extensive refugee crisis. ...