Now showing items 1-10 of 43
Ålderdom, omsorg och makt. Gamlas situation och omsorgsrelationer i nyliberala tider
This dissertation examines the status of old age and the nature of elderly care in Sweden, where the welfare state is being transformed through neoliberalism. The overall aim is to study old age as identity and lived ...
Längtans och drömmarnas hus - Ideal och praktik bland en ny generation stugägare
This dissertation examines second home ownership among a new generation of urban middle-class Swedes between the years 2015-2020. The main aim is to analyse motivation for buying one´s own second home, with the further ...
”Fullständigt otillförlitlig, men absolut oumbärlig”. En historiografisk undersökning av projektet Svensk Stad
This dissertation is a historiographical study of the research project Svensk stad (Swedish Town). The project, lead by the professor in Art History Gregor Paulsson (1889-1977), included about 20 members and was conducted ...
Ett annat flickrum. Kön, ålder och sexualitet i Maria Lindbergs, Anna Maria Ekstrands och Helene Billgrens flickbilder
Avhandlingens utgår från två grundantaganden: att barndomen konstrueras genom olika typer av meningsskapande processer och att bildkonst har en lång tradition av att bidra till detta. Avhandlingen undersöker tre ...
Grez-sur-Loing revisited. The international artists' colony in a different light
This thesis examines the rural artists’ colony in Grez-sur-Loing and its art from the heyday of the community, 1875–1885, when artists from North America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Scandinavia were gathering in the ...
In-Between: Contemporary Art in Australia. Cross-culture, Contemporaneity, Globalization
This study emerges from the question: what is contemporary art, and mainly what criteria constitute contemporary art in a globalized art world in general? Thus, the focus of this dissertation is on the postcolonial context ...
Växa upp med musik - Ungdomars musikanvändande i skolan och på fritiden
This thesis is based on an ethnographical study carried out with 29 pupils in a secondary school class. The purpose is to investigate how young people use music to create identity and develop musical knowledge and skills ...
Improvisation and Pedagogy through Heinrich Scheidemann's Magnificat Settings
Doctoral dissertation in musicology, artistic-creative programme, University of Gothenburg, Sweden 2010, 302 pages
Author: Karin Nelson
Title: Improvisation and Pedagogy through Heinrich Scheidemann’s Magnificat ...
Den ofrivilliga lyssnaren - möten med butiksmusik
The aim of this dissertation is to explore potential customer’s encounters with the phenomena of in-store music. The area chosen for the study is the core shopping district of Gothenburg, Sweden, known as Inom Vallgraven ...
Meningen med genusforskning så som den framträder i forskningspolitiska texter 1970-2000
The thesis analyse how Gender Studies is written about in Swedish research
policy documents 1970–2000. Underlying assumptions and presumptions are
scrutinised, as well as terminological changes and conceptual displacements
over ...