Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper by Title
Now showing items 24-43 of 45
Knut Ströms scenografi och bildvärld. Visualisering i tid och rum
(2010-11-24)A pioneer in his field, Knut Ström (1887–1971) was a Swedish scenographer and director, who became the first professional scenographer in Sweden. He had an early international career in Düsseldorf during the 1910s but later ... -
Komposition. Trädgården – som förgrenar sig
(2013-10-18)With the compositional practise as the point of departure the text discusses different topics around musical composition and its artistic, philosophical and scientific context. Some initial explorations were carried out ... -
Kreativa liv. Konstnärligt arbete och kosmopolitisk vardag i Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York
(2013-01-09)The everyday experiences of young Japanese individuals in creative careers, living in the neighborhood of Williamsburg in Brooklyn, New York City, is the starting point for this study that investigates the informants ... -
Kroppslinjer – Kön, transsexualism och kropp i berättelser om könskorrigering
(2011-10-20)The aim with this dissertation is to analyse the construction and challenge of body and personhood in transsexual persons narratives on gender correction, as well as what these narratives tells of the terms through which ... -
Längtans och drömmarnas hus - Ideal och praktik bland en ny generation stugägare
(2020-11-11)This dissertation examines second home ownership among a new generation of urban middle-class Swedes between the years 2015-2020. The main aim is to analyse motivation for buying one´s own second home, with the further ... -
Människorna, musiken och de mekaniska instrumenten i Norge cirka 1480-1890
(2024-01-30)An international history of mechanical musical instruments is well documented from a technological perspective (innovation, patents etc.), for instance musical clocks, barrel organs, musical box and organettes. The purpose ... -
Mellan jaget och världen. Feminism och etik under nyliberala villkor
(2019-10-22)The overall purpose of this study is to investigate how the tension between feminism as an ethical and political project is brought into light under neoliberal conditions. More specifically, the aim is to, through 21 ... -
Meningen med genusforskning så som den framträder i forskningspolitiska texter 1970-2000
(2009-11-25)The thesis analyse how Gender Studies is written about in Swedish research policy documents 1970–2000. Underlying assumptions and presumptions are scrutinised, as well as terminological changes and conceptual displacements over ... -
Den ofrivilliga lyssnaren - möten med butiksmusik
(2016-08-26)The aim of this dissertation is to explore potential customer’s encounters with the phenomena of in-store music. The area chosen for the study is the core shopping district of Gothenburg, Sweden, known as Inom Vallgraven ... -
Old Testament Apocryphal Images in European Art
(2010-01-04)This dissertation deals with representations in European art from the Old Testament Apocrypha. The OT Apocrypha are books of the Bible which are not part of the Hebrew Canon. Four Books from the Apocrypha have been ... -
Ordet blev sång. Liturgisk musik i katolska kloster 2005-2007.
(2009-09-24)Abstract Strinnholm Lagergren, Karin 2009: The Word Became Song. Liturgical song in Catholic Monasteries 2005-2007. The intention of this dissertation is to study the musical praxis and associated conceptions in ... -
En relasjonell musikkestetikk – barn på orkesterselskapenes konserter. A relational aesthetic of music – children at professional orchestras' concerts
(2011-08-22)Over the past twenty years, there has been a huge growth in the education and community work ("outreach") undertaken by the West-European professional orchestras. It represents a new practise that within the orchestras may ... -
Sjungande berättare - vissång som estradkonst 1900–1970
(2011-11-18)The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate how the song type visa, especially the so-called literary visa, has been presented on Swedish public stages from 1900 to 1970. More specifically it aims to: a) identify ... -
Spiritual transcendence and androgyny within Swedish and Finnish transnational Symbolism
(2022-10-13)This Doctoral thesis is an examination of a group of Swedish and Finnish artists and their role as important and active participants in a transnational Symbolist movement. It deals with the depiction of the spiritually ... -
Tecknad tomboy – kalejdoskopiskt kön i manga för tonåringar
(2012-08-22) -
Temporalitet i visuell kultur. Om samtidens heterokrona estetiker
(2016-08-15)In contemporary society temporalities in different scales coexist, cooperate and collide. Clock time serves as a main reference for time, although a lot of processes have nothing to do with clock time and can’t be measured ... -
Väntan. Etnografiskt kollage kring ett mellanrum
(2009-05-19)This dissertation is about waiting. It’s about what happens when an ethnographer goes into the field and asks people to fill a small and indeterminate word like waiting with thoughts, experiences and recollections. The ... -
Växa upp med musik - Ungdomars musikanvändande i skolan och på fritiden
(2009-05-22)This thesis is based on an ethnographical study carried out with 29 pupils in a secondary school class. The purpose is to investigate how young people use music to create identity and develop musical knowledge and skills ...