Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för svenska, flerspråkighet och språkteknologi
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Locating, Constructing, and Disciplining Self and Other: A Discourse Ethnography of Civic Orientation in Sweden
(2025-02-17)This thesis is a multilevel discourse ethnography concerned with discourses and discursive constructions pertaining to Civic Orientation for Newly Arrived Migrants in Sweden. Civic Orientation is a provision that follows ... -
In the minds of stochastic parrots: Benchmarking, evaluating and interpreting large language models
(2024-11-18)The arrival of large language models (LLMs) in recent years has changed the landscape of natural language processing (NLP). Their impressive performance on popular benchmarks, ability to solve a range of different tasks ... -
Språkkunskaper och kunskapsspråk. Ämneslitteracitet i ämnesprov, undervisning och elevtexter inom svenska som andraspråk och fysik
(2024-10-02)The overall aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of disciplinary literacy in two subjects, Swedish as a second language (SSL) and physics, among ninth-year students in compulsory school. This thesis focuses ... -
Tala fram texten: När barn med läs- och skrivsvårigheter skriver med tal-till-text
(2023-05-22)Effective writing is a crucial skill that requires not only the mastery of various sub-processes but also deliberate orchestration of those sub-processes within the constraints of limited workingmemory capacity. In ... -
Neutrala substantiv på -ande i text och ordbok
(2022-08-25)This thesis presents an examination of Swedish deverbal neutral nouns with the suffix ande in a corpus of texts from the 1900s and early 2000s, compared to the presentation of these deverbal nouns in three modern, monolingual ... -
Inte för räddhågsna. Undervisning i grundläggande litteracitet och svenska som andraspråk på gymnasieskolans språkintroduktion
(2021-08-16)The overall aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding about the education of Swedish as a second language and basic literacy to recently immigrated adolescents with little prior experience of school-based ... -
Learning of Definiteness by Belarusian Students of Swedish as a Foreign Language
(2021-04-28)Through a series of studies, this thesis investigates the learning of definiteness in Russian-speaking students of Swedish. A communicative, oral-production task elicited modified and non-modified noun phrases in indefinite ... -
Exploring natural language processing for single-word and multi-word lexical complexity from a second language learner perspective
(2021-02-09)In this thesis, we investigate how natural language processing (NLP) tools and techniques can be applied to vocabulary aimed at second language learners of Swedish in order to classify vocabulary items into different ... -
Det-konstruktioner i bruk. En systemisk-funktionell analys av satser med icke-referentiellt det i modern svenska
(2020-09-24)The aim of this thesis is to map out functions of modern Swedish det-constructions, i.e. different clausal patterns including the non-referential third person pronoun det, for example, det är kul att spela tennis (‘it’s ... -
Från beslut till broschyr. Intertextualitet, äldre och kultur i texter inom en statlig satsning
(2020-01-20)The overarching purpose of this study is to map out how intertextual relations are manifested in texts produced within a government initiative on arts for the elderly, and to shed light on how discourses on the elderly and ... -
Etableringen av ha-bortfall i svenskan. Från kontaktfenomen till inhemsk konstruktion.
(2019-12-19)This thesis presents an investigation into the causes surrounding the emergence and spread of temporal auxiliary verb omission in Swedish. In modern Swedish, certain finite auxiliary verbs can be elided in the perfect and ... -
Splitting rocks: Learning word sense representations from corpora and lexica
(2019-08-23)The representation of written language semantics is a central problem of language technology and a crucial component of many natural language processing applications, from part-of-speech tagging to text summarization. These ... -
Flerspråkiga elevers läsförståelse på svenska. Om lässtrategier och läsutveckling på mellanstadiet
(2019-05-21)The overall aim of this thesis is to highlight the significance of reading strategies in developing multilingual middle-school students’ Swedish reading comprehension. Reading strategies are considered from teaching, reading ... -
”See there I’m stuck now!” Samtalsdeltagares orientering mot att tala svenska i amerikasvenska dialektintervjuer
(2019-04-10)This thesis is a qualitative investigation of a communicative project called tala svenska (speak swedish) in American Swedish dialect interviews. The aim of the study is to analyze and describe the communicative project. ... -
Strategic Vocabulary Learning in the Swedish Second Language Context
(2019-02-22)This large-scale research project represents an exploratory investigation into the reported vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) used by adult, beginner Swedish L2 learners living and studying in Sweden. A questionnaire ... -
Skriftlig lärarrespons för vuxna nybörjare i svenska som andraspråk: teoretiska perspektiv, responspraktik och uppfattningar
(2019-02-14)This compilation thesis serves to fill a research gap in teacher written feedback on second language (L2) writing and pronunciation by focusing on adult beginners of culturally diverse backgrounds. Basically, this thesis ... -
Att tolka det sammansatta. Befästning och mönster i första- och andraspråkstalares tolkning av sammansättningar
(2019-01-18)This thesis presents a cognitive questionnaire-based study on the interpretation of compounds. The analysis is based on the interpretations from 190 Swedish-speaking students in upper secondary schools. The overall aim is ... -
Automatic proficiency level prediction for Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning
(2018-05-17)With the ever-growing presence of electronic devices in our everyday lives, it is compelling to investigate how technology can contribute to make our language learning process more efficient and enjoyable. A fundamental ... -
Så fångas de misstänktas ord. Förhör och dokumentationspraktiker på Skattebrottsenheten
(2017-12-20)This aim of this thesis is to contribute to our understanding of the factors shaping institutional talk and documentation, using empirical data from the field of investigative interviewing. The study analyses how Swedish ...